Profiles Faculty Listing Block
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
This block is used to display a list of UMass faculty that exist in Profiles includes faculty from UMass Chan, Baystate and Lowell campuses. The list can be filtered to display by institution (school), department or division. Other options include setting a limit on how many faculty to display, include pagination or set the sort order to first name, last name, or also group by department or division.
To display a list of faculty, for your UMass Chan website in the content management system:
- create a new block that is "Profiles - Faculty Listing Block"
- note it may take a little longer than most blocks to load at first as it gathers info behind the scenes

- set a title, click the create button
- the block loads, if in layout view, click the properties icon to set options
- Pick a List Style: Standard or Department view
- Standard
- displays in a vertical list view
- when filtering by department, the list will include faculty with a primary or secondary appointment that matches that department

- Department view
- displays in a card grid layout
- when filtering by department, the list will only include faculty with a primary appointment that matches that department

- Set the filter
- institution will be defaulted to UMass Chan Medical School
- choose a "department" if you would like to only show faculty of a certain department
- choose a "division" if you would like to only show faculty of a certain division

- set the "sort by" to change how the list is ordered
- if sorting by department or division, headings will show before each group
- Max Count - Set a limit to only show a limited number of items
- Resuls per Page - set the number of items that show per page in the pagination
- note: paginiation will only show when there are more than 15 items total

- There is a list of items you can choose to hide, simply add a checkmark to any of these items