The academic research findings of the department's faculty are often accepted for presentation at local, state and national meetings. In addition, many of our faculty are often invited to present their educational and clinical research findings - both nationally and internationally. Listed below (alphabetically by faculty name, though many presentations included faculty from other departments/institutions) are some of the more recent presentations made by departmental faculty:
Ron Adler:
"Creation and Implementation of a Diabetes Collaborative to Promote Quality Improvement in the Management of Patients with Diabetes in Six Primary Care Practices” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
"Immunization Update: Quality Improvement in the Office Setting” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
"Vaccine Safety” (Massachusetts Immunization Action Partnership Skills Building Conference)
Nicholas Apostoleris:
"The Primary Care Shortage: Symptom of Societal Problems” (National Summit of Clinicians for Healthcare Justice)
Carolyn Augart:
"Update on Migraine Headaches” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
Bob Baldor, Mark Quirk and Frank Domino:
"Evolving the Teacher/Preceptor Role to Have a Positive Influence on Family Medicine Career Choice” (Annual STFM Predoctoral Education Conference)
Jeff Baxter:
"The Impact of Buprenorphine on Medicaid-funded Treatment for Opioid Addiction” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Jeff Baxter and Heather-Lyn Haley:
"Buprenorphine Treatment in an Inner-City Community Health Center: Patient Charcteristics and Correlates of Treatment Discontinuation” (poster presentation at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Jeff Baxter, Robin Clark and Mihail Samnaliev:
"The Quality of Asthma Care in Adult Medicaid Patients with Subtance Related Disorders” (Addiction Health Services Research Conference)
"The Quality of Asthma Care in Patients with Mental Illness and Substance Related Disorders” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Substance Abuse Policy Research Program Annual Grantee Meeting)
Joseph Bernard:
"Thoracic Outlet Syndrome in a Collegiate Swimmer” (American College of Sports Medicine annual conference)
“Determining Appropriate Weight for Competition in Wrestlers” (UMass/UConn Sports Medicine Fellowship Conference)
“Shoulder Instability” (New England American College of Sports Medicine conference)
Alexander Blount:
"Including the Family in Integrated Primary Care for the Medical Home” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
"Continuing the Discussion of Advocacy for Collaborative Care” (Collaborative Family Healthcare Association annual meeting)
"The Future of the Collaborative Family Healthcare Association” (Collaborative Family Healthcare Association annual meeting)
"Integrated Primary Care: From Interesting Add-on to Medical Home Care Service” (Forum on Behavioral Science in Family Medicine)
"Designing and Implementing Practices that Deliver Person-Centered / Cost Effective Health Care: An Update from the 90:90 Working Group” (Northeast Regional STFM conference)
Alexander Blount, Frank Domino, Ben Miller, Dan Mullin and Carlos Cappas:
"Five Minutes to Change: Practical Counselng Skills for the Primary Care Provider” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Lucy Candib and Catherine McKegny:
"Survivors in the Medical Home: Exploring How Personal Abuse Histories Affect Clinicians, Teachers and Learners” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Lucy Candib, Judy Savageau and Linda Weinreb:
"The Relationship of Childhood Violence Exposure and Child Abuse Screening Practices for Adult Primary Care Patients: A Survey of Massachusetts Family Physicians” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Lucy Candib, Matthew Silva, Suzanne Cashman et al.:
"Using Complexity Science and Syndemics to Consider Two Contemporary Epidemic Phenomena: Diabetes and Cesarean Sections” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Robin Clark et al:
“Medical Expenditures for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders” (Addiction Health Services Research Conference)
“The Impact of Substance Abuse on Medicaid Spending for Chronic Illness” (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Substance Abuse Policy Research Program Annual Grantee Meeting)
Robin Clark and Mihail Samnaliev:
"Substitution in Medicaid Spending for Behavioral Health and Medical Care: An Analysis of Six States” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Christine Clements,Ayesha Commearts, Patricia Gallagher, Lee Hargraves and Ann Lawthers:
"Impact of the MassHealth Tobacco Cessation Benefit” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Konstantinos Deligiannidis, Suzanne Cashman, Stacy Potts and Warren Ferguson:
"Weaving Population and Public Health Principles Into a Family Medicine Residency” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Joe DiFranza:
"The Discovery of the Pathophysiology of Tobacco Addiction” (Oregon Health Sciences University Student Research Forum)
"Impact of the Synar Amendment on Adolescent Smoking” (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration annual meeting)
Dennis Dimitri:
"The Primary Care Crisis and the Medical Home” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
Frank Domino:
"Ten Things That Changed My Practice This Year” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
"How to Bash Bashing: Students' Experiences with Recommendations” (Annual STFM Predoctoral Education Conference)
"Non-Pharmacologic Treatment and Anxiety” (AAFP assembly)
Frank Domino and Mark Quirk:
"Using Reflection to Address the Complexities of Health Care” (Annual STFM Predoctoral Education Conference)
Anna Doubeni, Chyke Doubeni and Sarah Gross:
"Does Dissatisfaction with Access to Care Impact Use of Colorectal Cancer Screening? Findings from the Medicine Current Beneficiary Survey” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Chyke Doubeni:
"Trends in Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Medicare Enrollees 2000-2005” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Warren Ferguson, Mick Godkin, Mary Lindholm, Heather-Lyn Haley and Mary Philbin:
"Evaluating Impact of a Multicultural Interclerkship on Students' Skills, Knowledge and Awareness” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Warren Ferguson, Heather-Lyn Haley,Mary Philbin, Tracy Kedian, Mary Sullivan, Susan Starr, Kate Sullivan and Mark Quirk:
"Expert Communication Training for Providers in Community Health Centers” (poster presentation at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Warren Ferguson:
"Language Services Quality Improvement Results of Speaking Together” (First Annual Health Disparities Conference)
Emily Ferrara and Jessica Wang (MS-3):
"Addressing the AAMC 2007 Recommendations on the Needs of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Students and Patients” (American Association of Medical Colleges anual meeting)
Emily Ferrara and David Hatem:
"Narratives of Resistance: Exploring the Developmental Tasks of Second Year Through a Creative Writing Elective” (Medicine and Writing inaugural conference)
Zach Geidel:
"Pectoralis Weakness in a Collegiate Football Player, a Rare Case of Peripheral Nerve Injury” (New England American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting)
Jeffrey Geller:
"Pediatric Obesity: Treatment Using a Group Empowerment Model” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
Mick Godkin:
"Global Health Education at UMass Chan Medical School: Scope and Impact” (Northeast Regional STFM Conference)
Jeremy Golding:
"Heart Failure” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
Lisa Gussak and Tracy Kedian:
"Challenging Learners: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Remediation” (Annual STFM Predoctoral Education Conference
Heather-Lyn Haley et al.:
"Comparison of Blogs and Written Reflections in Two Medicine Clerkships: A Qualitative Study” (poster presentation at the AAMC Northeastern Group on Educational Affairs Regional Conference)
Lee Hargraves, Warren Ferguson, Celeste LeMay and Joan Pernice:
"Using Community Health Workers to Reduce Disparities in Diabetes Care” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Allison Hargreaves, Linda Yang and Madeline Colon:
"Resolving the Identity Crisis: Exploring the Role of Chief Resident in a Family Medicine Residency” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Tracy Kedian and Laura Petras:
"The Maternal-Child Health of Medical Students” (Annual STFM Predoctoral Education Conference)
Tracy Kedian, Lisa Gussak and Mark Quirk:
"The Center for Academic Achievement: A Multidisciplinary, Multifaceted Approach to Improved Learner Performance”(STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Tracy Kedian, Stacy Potts, George Maxted, Sara Shields and Konstantinos Deligiannidis:
"Procedure-Fest 2008” (Northeast Regional STFM Conference)
David Keller and Valerie Zolezzi-Wyndham:
"Teaching Through Medical-Legal Partnership: Impacting the Social Determinants of Health” (Medical Education for the 21st Century, Teaching for Health Equity conference)
Jim Ledwith:
"Development of an Expanded New Resident Orientation Program: Addressing the Needs of Diverse Learners” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Jim Ledwith and Stacy Potts:
"Avoiding Pitfalls in an Expanded Resident Orientation Program: Addressing Needs of Diverse Learners” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Wen-Chieh Lee, Robin Clark, Jianying Zhang and Gary Leung:
"Twelve Month Diagnosed Prevalence of Behavioral Health Disorders in Medicare and Medicaid Members Aged 55 and Over” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Len Levin et al:
"Evidence-Based Medicine Instruction in Integrative Medical School Curricula: A Tale of Two Libraries” (poster presentation at the AAMC Northeastern Group on Educational Affairs Regional Conference)
Mary Lindholm and Lee Hargraves:
"The Utilization Trends of Professional Interpretation for the Inpatient, and Their Effects on Length of Stay and Readmission Rates” (poster presentation at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Mary Lindholm:
"Are Telephonic Interpreters as Satisfactory as On-Site Interpreters in the Primary Care Setting? A Comparison of Patient and Physician Views” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Rebecca Lubelczyk:
"Management of Chronic Pain in Correctional Settings” (National Commission on Correctional Health Care Conference)
Roger Luckmann and Judy Savageau:
"Patterns of Use of Long-term Opioids for Chronic Pain in Two Primary Care Practices” (poster presentation at the Third AnnualForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Roger Luckmann, Judy Savageau and Nancy LaPelle:
"Patient Experiences with Long-term Opioids for Chronic Pain” (poster presentation at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Peter McConarty:
"Family Medicine Approach to Attention Deficit Disorder” (Northeast Regional STFM Conference)
Ben Miller:
"Measuring Collaborative and Integrated Practices” (Collaborative Family Healthcare Association annual meeting)
Darlene (Dee) O'Connor:
"Elder Health and Long Term Care: Lessons from Vermont” (Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
"Of, By and For the People: Consumers Evaluating HCBS Programs” (National Home and Community-Based Services Conference)
"Suppporting Autonomy for Elders through Consumer-Directed Care: U.S. Approaches” (1st Scientific Symposium on Autonomy)
Susan Pasquale:
"Creating a Teaching Skills Program for Medical Students” (American Association of Medical Colleges annual meeting)
"Using Medical Simulation to Enhance Basic Science Education Throughout the Undergraduate Curriculum” (International Association of Medical Science Educators annual meeting)
"Teaching Portfolios” (International Association of Medical Science Educators annual meeting)
Valerie Pietry:
"Hispanic Low-Income Parents’ Attitudes Toward Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a Community Health Center” (poster presentation at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Valerie Pietry, Gonzalo Bacigalupe and Heather-Lyn Haley:
"Hispanic Low-Income Parents' Attitudes Toward Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in a Community Health Center” (poster presentation at the North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Stacy Potts:
"Portfolio Smorgasbord: Exploring Portfolio Experiences Across the Country” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
Stacy Potts and Allison Hargraves:
"Using Portfolios in the Mentoring Relationship: A Window Into the Personal Learning Process” (Northeast Regional STFM Conference)
Michele Pugnaire, Susan Pasquale et al:
"Interprofessional Teaching and Learning: Applying What We Know to Advance the Work” (American Association of Medical Colleges annual meeting)
Mark Quirk:
"Disclosure and Apology: The Case for Changing the Dialogue” (Massachusetts Hospital Association Conference)
"Is It Important to Pay Preceptors? How Can We Find Out?” (Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting)
"Workshop: Medical Education Research: Catch the Rising Tide” (North American Primary Care Research Group)
Judy Savageau, Linda Cragin et al.:
"Recruitment and Retention of Primary Care Physicians at Community Health Centers” (Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers Community Health Institute; also presented at the 5th Annual AAMC Physician Workforce Research Conference; also presented as a poster at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Judy Savageau, Linda Weinreb, Lucy Candib and Lee Hargraves:
"Screening Adult Primary Care Patients for a History of Child Abuse: A Survey of Massachusetts Family Physicians” (American Public Health Association annual meeting)
Judy Savageau, Darlene O'Connor, Kim Wamback, Nicole Lomerson et al:
"Lessons in a Pillbox: Teaching Medical Students About the Challenges of Medication Adherence” (Society of General Internal Medicine annual Northeast Regional meeting)
Barry Saver et al:
"No Pain, but No Gain? The Disappearance of Hospitalization for Angina, 1992-1999” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Ellen Green, Sara Shields, Judy Savageau and Heather-Lyn Haley:
"Survey About Breastfeeding Messages at a Community Health Center Serving Diverse Urban Families” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting; also presented at the STFM Northeast Regional annual meeting)
Hugh Silk:
"Central Massachusetts Oral Health Initiative” (poster presentation at the Third Annual Comonwealth Medicine Academic Conference)
"Fluoride Varnishing Workshop” (Massachusetts Academy of Family Practice annual meeting)
"Balance and Boundaries: Nurturing Our Humanity through the Humanities” (Northeast Regional STFM Conference)
"Smiles for Life: A National Oral Health Curriculum for Medical Students” (American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting)
Hugh Silk, Mick Huppert et al:
"Central Massachusetts Oral Health Initiative: A Model for Comprehensive Oral Health Care” (American Academy of Pediatrics annual meeting)
Joseph Stenger:
"I Now Pronounce You... - A Primer on Pronouncing Death” (Northeast Regional STFM Conference)
Stefan Topolski:
"Chaos and Complexity Science in Family Medicine” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
"Chaos Theory and Complexity Science: Keys to Make the Best Medical Home Even Better” (STFM Annual Spring Conference)
"Computer Modeling in Family Medicine” (poster presentation at the STFM Annual Spring Conference)
"Chaos Theory and Complexity Science: Keys to Make the Best Medical Home Even Better” (Northeast Regional STFM conference)
"Health and Illness Using Chaos and Complexity Science” (18th Annual World Conference on Chaos in Psychology and the Life Sciences)
"Computer Modeling in Family Practice” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Carole Upshur:
"Improving Primary Care Management of Chronic Pain: Developing and Implementing Evidence-based Guidelines for Residents and Faculty” (poster presentation at the Third Annual ForHealth Consulting Academic Conference)
Carole Upshur, Gerald Gleich et al:
"Improving Primary Care Management of Chronic Pain: Developing and Implementing Evidence Based Guidelines for Residents and Faculty” (poster presentation at the North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Anthony Valdini:
"Early Quadravalent HPV Vaccine Utilization Patterns in Adolescents Presenting to Community Health Centers” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
"Washed Away: Decline in AGC Pap Smear Incidence After Changing to Liquid-based Cytology” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Jake Veigel:
"Bilateral Leg Pain in a Collegiate Female Soccer Player, a Rare Case of Popliteal Artery Entrapment” (New England American College of Sports Medicine annual meeting)
Linda Weinreb, Judy Savageau and Lucy Candib:
"Screening Adult Primary Care Patients for a History of Child Abuse: A Survey of Massachusetts Family Physicians” (North American Primary Care Research Group annual meeting)
Mary Zanetti and Michele Pugnaire:
"Setting the Standard for a High-Stakes End-of-Third Year Assessment” (Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting)
Mary Zanetti, Warren Ferguson, Mick Godkin, and Michele Pugnaire:
"Weaving the Threads of Multiculturalism Throughout Medical Education” (poster presentation at the Association of American Medical Colleges annual meeting)