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Publications by research team related to the Kidsteps Study:

Upshur C, Wenz Gross M, Reed G. (2013) A Pilot Study of a Primary Prevention Curriculum to Address Preschool Behavior Problems.   Journal of Primary Prevention.34: 309-327.


Wenz Gross M & Upshur C (2012).   Implementing a primary prevention social skills intervention in urban preschools: Factors associated with quality and fidelity.  Early Education and Development. 23:427-450.   PMID: 33932132


Upshur C, Wenz Gross M, Reed G (2009). A pilot study of early childhood mental health consultation for children with behavioral problems in preschool.  Early Childhood Research Quarterly.24:29-45


Upshur C & Wenz Gross M (2005, 2006).  Together for Kids: Year Two, Year Three and Pilot Implementation Reports.  Worcester, MA: The Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts.


Selected other publications on early intervention and education: 

Hauser-Cram, P, Warfield, ME, Shonkoff, JP, Krauss, MY, Sayer A, & Upshur C (2014).  Children with disabilities: A developmental-contextual perspective.  In HB Weiss, H. Kreider, ME Lopez & C. Chatman (Eds, Third Ed.).Preparing educators to involve families: from theory to practice.  Third Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.


Wenz-Gross, M., Anderson, K., Parker, R., O’Meara, A., & Carreiro-King, I. (2002).  Moving to middle school: Life skills and coping skills for successful student transition.  Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.


Hauser-Cram, P, Warfield, ME, Shonkoff, JP, Krauss, MY, Sayer A, & Upshur C Children with Disabilities: A longitudinal Study of Child Development and Parental Well-Being.  Society for Research in Child Development.  Vol. 66, No. 3, 2001; No. 266.


Brennan, R., Kim, J., Wenz-Gross, M., & Siperstein, G.N. (2001). The relative equitability of high-stakes testing versus teacher-assigned grades: An analysis of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS).  Harvard Educational Review, 71, 173-216.


Hauser-Cram, P., Warfield, M.E., Upshur, C.C. & Weisner, T. (2000). An expanded view of program evaluation in early childhood intervention.  In J. P. Shonkoff & S.J.  Meisels (Eds.), Handbook of early childhood intervention (2nd edition). Cambridge University Press.


Erickson Warfield, M. Hauser-Cram, P. Wyngaarden Krauss, M., Shonkoff, J. P. & Upshur, C.C. (2000). The effect of early intervention services on maternal well –being. Early Education and Development, 11, 499-518.


Wenz-Gross, M. & Siperstein G.N. (1998).  Students with learning problems at risk in middle school: Stress, social support, and adjustment.  Exceptional Children, 65, 91-100.


Hauser-Cram, P., Warfield, M.E., Krauss, M.W., Shonkoff, J.P., Upshur, C.C., & Sayer, A.  (1999) Family influences on adaptive development in young children with Down syndrome. Child Development, 70, 979-989.


Warfield, M.E., Krauss, M.W., Hauser-Cram, P. Upshur, C.C., & Shonkoff, J.P. (1999).  Adaptation during early childhood among mothers of children with disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 29, 9-16.


Wenz-Gross, M., & Siperstein, G. N. (1997).  Importance of social support in the adjustment ofchildren with learning problems. Exceptional Children, 63 (2), 183-193.


Wenz-Gross, M., Siperstein, G. N., Untch, A. S. & Widaman, K. (1997).  Stress, social support and adjustment of adolescents in middle school.  Journal of Early Adolescence, 17 (2), 129-151.


Darder, A. & Upshur C. (1993).  What do Latino Children Need to Be Successful in School. In R. Rivera & S. Nieto (Eds.) The Education of Latino Children in Massachusetts, University of Massachusetts Press.


Upshur, C. (1990). Early Intervention as Preventive Intervention. In S. Meisels and J. Shonkoff (Eds.) Handbook of Early Childhood Intervention, New York: Cambridge University Press.