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The Global Health Fellowship training will be done in collaboration with UMass Family Medicine, Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine, with opportunities for joint learning, collaboration and experience sharing.

Fellowship activities will include the following:

  1. Engage in work with Worcester refugee population, learn about refugee resettlement, provide refugee physical, work on forming partnerships with resettlement agencies in Worcester and contribute towards long term goal of enhancing refugee care and integration into primary care

  2. Work in an FQHC providing primary care to primarily refugee and immigrant populations. Learn to manage common disease processes relevant to this population, including tropical diseases, support patients with severe trauma and become comfortable in treating LTBI independently.

  3. Opportunity to learn about HIV and Hep B/C care through our HIV/Hepatitis Fellowship at FHCW

  4. Train with PHR to provide forensic medical evaluations for asylum seekers and be trained to do so independently. Work with legal teams, local academic and community partners to support asylum-seeking community through forensic evaluation, primary care delivery and advocacy

  5. Spend over 3 months working in international setting based on your interest. Most of our international work involves some level of local capacity building and support be it through Family Medicine residency development or community- based participatory research. Currently, our main focus is on-site in Liberia where we are supporting a brand new Family Medicine residency training program and site in Dominican Republic where we are working with local NGOs to enhance training of community health workers.  

  6. Meet and get engaged with the local immigrant and refugee community most closely aligned with the international site where you would be working.

  7. Participate in Teachers of Tomorrow workshop offered through Department of Family medicine training you how to be an effective teacher.

  8. Participate and help coordinate GH teaching of Umass FM residents as well as medical students. Umass also works hard to bring all departments together for joint GH learning and activities. Mentorship across departments is available for research projects. Fellows are also encouraged to mentor residents and medical students on their GH projects locally and globally.

  9. Encouraged to do academic work, apply for grant funding, conduct research, present and publish. Fellows will be expected to attend and present at national GH conferences.

  10. Opportunity to do OB if interested and participate in precepting of FM residents

  11. Optional: opportunity to do the above while also obtaining an MPH from University of Massachusetts; might require a three-year commitment.