Diversity & Re-Entry Supplements
Interested in Developing a Career in Translational Science?
Consider Applying for a NCATS Diversity or Re-Entry Supplement
The University of Massachusetts Center for Clinical and Translational Science (UMCCTS) aims to develop and support the next generation of leaders in clinical and translational science with special emphasis on supporting diverse candidates and trained scientists looking to re-enter the field.
We are requesting "Expressions of Interest" from individuals looking to apply for a NCATS/NIH Diversity or Re-Entry Supplement. Top applicants who expressed interest will be invited to submit full proposals, which will be forwarded to NCATS/NIH for a decision on the award. Applicants from all UMass campuses and our CCTS partner institutions are welcome to apply.
More Information on the Diversity Supplement and the Re-Entry Supplement including how to express your interest can be found here. Expressions of Interest are due on August 31, 2022. Please contact Dr. Jan Nissly with questions at Jan.Nissly@umassmed.edu.
Successful Diversity & Re-Entry Supplement awardee stories can be found on the NIH website.
Who Should Apply?
Do you Qualify for the Diversity Supplement?
Purpose: Diversity supplements aim to enhance the diversity of the biomedical research workforce by providing support for mentored research experiences for candidates from underrepresented groups.
The Diversity Supplement provides opportunities to diverse individuals from a variety of educational levels including high school students, undergraduate and graduate students, and those holding doctorates who are looking to begin or further their career in the field of clinical and translational research, including:
A. Individuals from racial and ethnic groups that have been shown by the National Science Foundation to be underrepresented in health-related sciences on a national basis.
The following racial and ethnic groups have been shown to be underrepresented in biomedical research: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders.
B. Individuals with disabilities, who are defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.
C. Individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, defined as those who meet two or more of the following criteria:
- Were or currently are homeless, as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Definition: https://nche.ed.gov/mckinney-vento/);
- Were or currently are in the foster care system, as defined by the Administration for Children and Families (Definition: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb/focus-areas/foster-care);
- Were eligible for the Federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program for two or more years (Definition: https://www.fns.usda.gov/school-meals/income-eligibility-guidelines);
- Have/had no parents or legal guardians who completed a bachelor’s degree (see https://nces.ed.gov/pubs2018/2018009.pdf);
- Were or currently are eligible for Federal Pell grants (Definition: https://www2.ed.gov/programs/fpg/eligibility.html);
- Received support from the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) as a parent or child (Definition: https://www.fns.usda.gov/wic/wic-eligibility-requirements).
- Grew up in one of the following areas: a) a U.S. rural area, as designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer (https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/rural-health), or b) a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-designated Low-Income and Health Professional Shortage Areas (qualifying zip codes are included in the file). Only one of the two possibilities in #7 can be used as a criterion for the disadvantaged background definition.
D. Women from the above backgrounds (categories A, B, and C) are especially encouraged to apply.
Do you Qualify for the Re-Entry Supplement?
Purpose: Re-entry supplements provide support for a mentored research experience for high-potential individuals seeking to re-enter active research careers after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances. The aim is to prepare the awardee to apply for a fellowship (F), career development award (K), research award (R), or other independent research support by the end of the supplement period.
Applicant Criteria: Suitably trained individuals with doctoral degrees who have experienced a partial or complete research career interruption of 6 months – 8 years for a reason such as the following:
- Child rearing
- An incapacitating illness or injury of the candidate, spouse, partner or a member of the immediate family
- Relocation to accommodate a spouse, partner or other close family member
- Pursuit of non-research endeavors that would permit earlier retirement of debt incurred in obtaining a doctoral degree
- Military service
Priority will be given to those who have experienced a complete research hiatus. Current involvement in clinical and/or administrative responsibilities is fine, even if NIH/NCATS funded. Individuals with T and K awards are not eligible.