BEAM Independent Study (Research for Course Credit)

Program Elements:
- UMass Amherst students conduct research in UMass Chan laboratories
- 9 hrs/week on-site work is facilitated by an intercampus shuttle
- Students become proficient in specific scientific techniques and receive academic (technical elective) credit for their research effort
- Students are matched to faculty based on their scientific interests and prior laboratory experience
- The faculty mentor is expected to engage students with experiential training on a specific analytical or wet lab skill set
- The student is expected to engage in research activities and collect data as directed by the faculty mentor. This may include traditional lab work, data analysis, and/or literature review
- Semester experiment culminates in a final written report
- Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering students (rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors) enrolled at UMass Amherst
- Course schedule must be conducive to spending one day per week on-site in Worcester
Students, are you interested in this opportunity? Apply here!
Faculty, do you have scientific projects and would like to mentor a student? Apply here!