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Highlights of Workforce Development Initiatives 

 Ayorkor Gaba PsyD Headshot
   In 2020, Ayorkor Gaba, Psy.D. was awarded a KL2 scholarship for her project titled, "Advancing Behavioral Health Equity for Justice-Involved Adults ".
   We congratulate Dr. Gaba and team for their recently published research findings which appeared in the Journal of Clinical and Translational Science. These findings were based on her project that illustrates a protocol of a study based in community-engaged research and implementation science to understand multilevel drivers of racial/ethnic disparities in co-occurring disorder treatment and identify opportunities for intervention and improvements within criminal legal settings.
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2022 TL1 fellowship training awardee, Carly Herbert, MD/PhD student, won Top Presentation this past December at the William Schnaper Visiting Scientist TL1 Minisymposium: Circumventing Road Blocks in Clinical Translational Science. Her presentation content was based on her TL1 project titled, "Optimizing Use of Rapid Antigen Diagnostics for COVID-19". Carly was joined by speakers from seven other clinical and translational science centers across the U.S.

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In 2021, we introduced "Preparing Engineers for Professional Practice (PEPP). This multi-campus (UMass Amherst, UMass Dartmouth, and UMass Lowell) collaborative concept was designed to give undergraduate engineering majors an opportunity to tackle a problem statement provided by UMass Chan faculty identifying a pressing health care/laboratory problem.