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Primary Care Behavioral Health

Support Roles at Group Sites


For the distance learning program to run smoothly and to ensure success, it is necessary to plan and coordinate all details in advance. Two main support roles are required to carry out these details.  The following roles must be assigned and these contacts will interact with our staff prior to and during the course.  The roles and specific tasks are outlined below:

The role of Site Coordinator includes these tasks:

  • Distributes applications and sees that participants have completed them
  • Submits completed applications to
  • Collects payment and forwards to the program
  • Acts as the point of contact for potential participants referred by UMass
  • Returns the sign-in sheets after each workshop
  • Recruits Technical Contact Person to complete required UMass Site Application
  • Contacts the Technical Contact Person in case of any problems
  • Encourages completion of workshop evaluations and reports any problems participants may be having with receiving and/or completing the electronic surveys to

The role of Technical Contact Person includes these tasks:

  • Completes Site Application and faxes it to UMass, Attn: Amy Green, 774-441-7799 (every physical site must submit an application, even if under the same administrative umbrella as another site.)
  • Tests equipment with UMass technical staff in advance of first workshop
  • Develops system for technical trouble-shooting on workshop day, in the event of problems