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Advisory Committees


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is made up of the UMCCTS Director and Co-Director, and Core Program Leadership. This group meets weekly to strategize, prioritize programs, and coordinate the research and workforce development programs.

External Advisory Committee

The External Advisory Committee conducts an annual review of UMCCTS plans and programs and advises UMCCTS leadership on the strategic direction for the Center.

Community Advisory Board

The Community Advisory Board (CAB) informs and directly advises the UMCCTS Director and Executive Committee on research priorities and programmatic activities. The CAB represents community priorities, informs UMCCTS programs and services, and contributes to evaluation efforts and interpretation.

Institutional Advisory Committee

The Institutional Advisory Committee comprises faculty and senior leadership from the UMass campuses and serves to inform strategic planning and operations.  This group identifies and prioritizes institutional needs; members also serve on the Scientific Review Committee for inter-campus pilot grant awards. The IAC also reviews core and program activities and solicits feedback on day-to-day operations.