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Medical Records & Health Screenings

Medical Students

You are required to have a pre-placement health screening, which will be scheduled with Employee Health Services (EHS) prior to or upon your arrival. You will be unable to begin working until you are cleared through the EHS. 

Please bring the following immunization documentation with you to the United States. Laboratory testing and/or additional immunizations may be necessary if you are unable to provide documentation of your immunizations.

Immunization Documentation:

  • 2 Measles (Rubeola) vaccinations given after 1967 or 2 MMRs or a positive Measles titer                                    
  • I Rubella (German Measles) vaccination given after 1967 or I MMR or a positive Rubella titer                  
  • I Mumps (Parotitis) vaccination given after 1967 or I MMR or a positive Mumps titer (MMR = a combination vaccine of Measles, Mumps & Rubella)
  • Note history of or date of chicken pox (Varicella) vaccination or titer
  • *Proof of Tuberculosis free status which is either
    • a negative PPD (Mantoux Test) done within 6 months of starting at UMass Chan) OR
    • if history of positive PPD, copy of a negative chest x-ray result done within the past 5 years 
    • if history of active Tuberculosis, a copy of the chest x-ray report as stated in "b" & documentation of treatment type & length of treatment
  • History of BCG Vaccination does not exempt the person from proving Tuberculosis free status as stated in a, b, OR c.
  • Tetanus within the last 10 years (required if working with animals)
  • Hepatitis B vaccine series (optional but highly recommended)