Pathways Leadership
(updated 1/21/2022)
Building on experiences with LInC optional pathways, the new Vista Pathway course provides structure that aligns skills of inquiry and critical thinking with self-directed learning longitudinally. A design team has outlined the principles, key objectives, general structure, and themes for the Pathways program. The vision is forward-looking with emerging trends and needs in healthcare and health education. The Director and Leaders will further refine these and complete detailed planning and implementation.
New to Vista
- all students will participate in a pathway. Students will be exposed to foundational principles, content and skills that apply to all Pathways and an introduction to each individual Pathway in the fall of their first year. They will select a Pathway in the spring of their first year and then participate in related sessions through their enrollment culminating in the completion and presentation of a scholarly project; most pathways will engage learners in designated, longitudinal projects that align with Pathway theme and advance community and institutional needs and priorities
- Dedicated Pathway time exists in each year of the curriculum which will provide students with exposure in core content (for all learners), common or overlapping areas (for learners across several pathways) and areas unique to a specific pathway. Curriculum time includes approximately 60 hours in the Discovery phase, 40 hours in Exploration and 1 month in Horizons.
More information is available through this brief video
Pathways Director (PD) – FTE increasing from .05 to .17 over 4 years
We are seeking one Pathways Director (PD) to oversee the Pathways Program including the Pathway Theme Leaders (see below). The PD will meet the both general leadership qualifications and responsibilities listed in the call and those below which are Pathways-specific. Please note that this leadership role spans the entire 4-year curriculum*. FTE increases annually: year 1 is 0.05, year 2 is 0.09, year 3 is 0.13, year 4 is .17.
Candidates should be interested in program ideation, development, and teamwork. Demonstrated ability in these areas is preferred. The Pathways Director may also be a specific Pathway Leader (PL). Additional role description for PD includes:
- Working in close collaboration with an administrative educational specialist and the Pathway Theme Leaders to
- Fully develop longitudinal structure and requirements of the Pathway course
- Ensure consistency of expectations across Pathways for program elements including delivery of curriculum, learner participation, project completion and presentation, grading
- Oversee Pathway leader work to facilitate identification and partnership with designated, longitudinal collaborative projects within each pathway that align with Pathway and institutional priorities
- develop an equitable Pathways application and change management process
- work collaboratively with Pathway Leaders to determine core components of Pathways curriculum in which all learners will participate and guide the development and presentation of those
- coordinate development of the model for explorations phase Flexible Professional Experiences that fulfill Pathway requirements
- Oversee Pathway Leaders to ensure they meet expectations, provide guidance and feedback
- this role may be combined with the Pathway Leader (see description below)
- Participate in the Themes, Threads and Transitions committee of the Education Policy Committee
Pathway Leader (PL) – 7 individuals (one for each Pathway); FTE is based on and increases with student enrollment (beginning at 0.1)
We are seeking a minimum of seven Pathway Leaders (PTLs) each of whom will oversee a single Pathway (current themes include Advocacy and Social Justice; Entrepreneurship, biomedical innovation, and design; clinical care; Research: Clinical, Translational, and other; Population, global, and community Health; Health Systems Science; Education.) The PLs will meet the leadership qualifications and responsibilities listed in the call and those below and report to the Pathways Director. Please note that this leadership role spans the entire 4-year curriculum*. FTE increases annually as the number of learners in each Pathway will increase to a maximum in year 4 (with time, will be responsible for multiple concurrent cohorts). The minimum is 0.1 FTE annually and may be shared by more co-leaders with complementary skills and training. PLs do not require a doctoral degree and may include interprofessional members of our institution. Please see the paragraph above for an overview of the Pathways program.
Candidates should be interested in developing curriculum and working closely with students and advisors on professional skills development related to independent learning and dissemination, demonstrated ability in these areas is preferred. Curriculum time includes approximately 60 hours in the Discovery phase, 40 hours in Exploration and 1 month in Horizons. Additional role description for PL includes:
- Participation in the Pathways advisory committee that will fully develop longitudinal structure and requirements of the Pathway course
- Drafting comparable expectations and processes for Pathways applications, curriculum learner participation, project completion and presentation, grading
- Active participation in shared curriculum development with other PLs in core skill areas such as longitudinal project identification and design, literature review, recruiting mentors and advisors, basic data management
- Building and maintaining Pathway-specific curriculum (for their own Pathway) using a variety of teaching methodologies (lecture, seminar, workshop, journal club, peer teaching, etc.) and in collaboration with appropriate community partners
- facilitate identification and partnership with designated, longitudinal collaborative projects within each pathway that align with Pathway and institutional priorities; oversee the projects in coordination with community or institutional partners
- Research Pathway will incorporate ‘independent scholarship’ track for specific students (such as MD PhD, CTRP, or others who choose to build an independent project)
- Faculty recruitment and development to meet curricular need, including appropriate preparation, observation, and feedback; faculty development can include organization of institutional resources to support faculty learning
- Student advising within the framework of Pathways model including reviewing learner assignments and providing oral and written narrative feedback
- Oversight of senior student peer teaching (as applicable)
- Learner assessment and formal grade submission for students within the pathway
- Meeting with students twice annually to support their pathway progression, and develop remediation as necessary