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Longitudinal Focus Topic Director

The Longitudinal Focus Topic Directors function under the authority of the T.H. Chan School of Medicine Education Policy Committee (EPC) and its relevant sub-committees and Leadership.  Each LFT Director is responsible for appropriate coverage, placement, and sequencing of related content in the curriculum, consistent with the T.H. Chan School of Medicine program objectives and competencies. 

We are seeking four Longitudinal Focus Topics directors, one for each LFT.  LFTs are topics deserving special status in the Vista curriculum.  These topics have either been historically under-represented in undergraduate medical education, or there is strong connection to the UMass Chan mission, or both. 

  • Health Systems Science (HSS)
  • Health Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (HEDI)
  • Societal Forces in Health and Disease (SFHD)
  • Patient and Provider Wellness (PPW)

LFT Director responsibilities

  • Functions under the authority of the school’s Educational Policy Committee and its relevant subcommittees
  • Is a member of the Longitudinal Themes Curriculum Committee (LTCC) and delivers annual report on their LFT to this committee (HSS LFT Director will serve on both the LTCC and HSS curriculum committees)
  • Maintains content expertise by engaging on the national level with educational organizations or societies in the content area
  • Works with OUME (at minimum quarterly meeting with assistant deans) to ensure educational plan and strategy are consistent and forward thinking
  • Provides content expertise and guidance (including curricular content examples) to block/rotation directors and curriculum committees, assuring appropriate coverage, placement, and sequencing of related content, consistent with T.H. Chan School of Medicine’s program objectives and competencies 
  • Reviews, at least annually, all curricular components for representation of LFT core domain material, concentrating on the strength and inter-connectivity of content  
  • Provides content-related resources to be utilized by faculty and students in the block 
  • Collaborates across blocks with other longitudinal content directors to ensure horizontal and vertical integration of the curriculum 
  • Assists block directors as needed in creation of content-related education experiences that add value to student learning and competency 
  • Assists block directors as needed in preparing content-related assessments 
  • Creates and delivers faculty development sessions at least annually on their longitudinal topic
  • Audits/attends educational activities to directly observe teaching effectiveness on the topic at least 20 hours per semester and at least once per block/rotation annually
  • Works with the assessment committee to ensure educational objectives (milestones) are taught and assessed

Updated SEPT 8 2023 | cjb