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AY 20-21 Benchmarks

Starting with our LInC courses in Fall, AY 20-21, we will incorporate benchmarks to prepare for curriculum ReVolution kicking off in Fall 2021. 

Foundations of Medicine 1

Foundations of Medicine 2

Benchmarks by the #s

(as of June 17, 2021)

  • Category A (increase interactivity)
    • 34 interactive learning modules (ILM) were developed and incorporated into the curriculum
    • 67 instances fo increased engaged learning were recorded across foundational years sessions
  • Category B (remove unintended redundancy) 
    • see individual course reports for modifications
  • Category C (Priority Content Areas)
    • Incoporated at least 1 new aspect of each priority area into course/block
      • Antiracism, diversity, bias: 18 instances of examining content to inform change
      • Social Determinants of Health: 18 instances of examining content to inform change
      • Health Systems Science: 13 instances of examining content to inform change
  • Category D (DRIVE attendance)
    • 2/3s of active LInC Course leaders and select teaching faculty attended workshop

The four benchmark categories for FOM1 and FOM2 LInC courses are:

Category A:  Increase engaged learning (small group, flipped classroom, problem-based learning, simulation, etc.)/ Decrease traditional lectures

  • Convert 1 lecture per week to an interactive session using an instructional method such as small group, team-based, case-based, etc.
  • Build and implement a simulation experience (including debrief)
  • Transform 1 lecture per week into an interactive independent learning module  
  • Create a new small group 

Category B: Identify and remove unintended redundancy 

  • Review lecture materials to align slide number with length and topic 
  • Identify where materials are taught in other courses and review whether to maintain in your course (OASIS search or other method)
  • Provide a roadmap to help faculty link their sessions to what comes before and after 

Category C: Incorporate at least 1 new aspect of EACH of these 3 priority content areas into the course (or block for larger courses) using the Instructional Method of your choice 

  1. Antiracism, diversity, bias*
  2. Social Determinants of Health: economic and social conditions that influence individual and group differences in health status (CDC) **
  3. Health Systems Science: the principles, methods and practice of health care to patients and populations*** 

Category D: All course leaders, and specific small group faculty will participate in a DRIVE (Diversity, Representation and Inclusion for Value in Education) workshop activity.  This will be tracked and reported centrally.  Schedules are forthcoming and these should be completed early as possible.  Course faculty are welcome to participate as well.


*Diversity: (UMass Chan Diversity and Inclusion Office); Antiracism: "defined as some form of focused and sustained action, which includes inter-cultural, inter-faith, multi-lingual and inter-abled (i.e. differently-abled) communities with the intent to change a system or an institutional policy, practice, or procedure which has racist effects” Anti-racism Digital Library; Bias as defined by the DRIVE initiative:  Disproportionate weight in favor or against one thing, person, or group compared with another in a way usually considered to be unfair; A preference or inclination, favorable or unfavorable, which inhibits impartial judgment.  A tendency to think, act or feel in a particular way.

**  and the Healthy people 2020 list: economic stability, education, health and health care, neighborhood and built environment, social and community context

*** Health (HC) delivery structures and processes; HC policy and economics; patient and family-centered care; health system improvement; value-based care and evidence-based medicine; systems thinking; population and public health; HC ethics and law; interprofessional care and teaming; clinical informatics.