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2025 Summer Enrichment Program (SEP)

Important Dates

Program Dates: Sunday, May 25, 2025 - Friday, June 20, 2025 (Four Week Program)

Apply Here

Application Submission Begins: November 15, 2024

Deadline to Apply: March 1, 2025

The College Summer Enrichment Program (SEP) is a tuition-free four-week residential program for undergraduate sophomores and juniors interested in entering the health professions. The program includes enrichment classes to enhance participants academic and communication skills. Seminars include the professional school application process with emphasis on medical school admissions and financing professional school. Seminars on biomedical research and cultural and contemporary health issues are also provided. Additionally, the SEP offers participants the opportunity to interact with medical students, scientists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals. Optional weekend observations in the Emergency Department are provided. Upon successful completion of the program, each participant is awarded a Certificate of Achievement and a stipend.

Program Summary

Since the late 1970's the UMass Chan Medical School (UMass Chan) has been the home to the Summer Enrichment Program (SEP). This highly structured four-week, residential program is solely funded by UMass Chan.  The goals of the program are to help participants improve their qualifications and competitive standings for admission to professional, graduate and/or medical school and to increase the diversity of the Massachusetts healthcare workforce. Participants must be college Sophomores and Juniors from economically or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds. Participants must be U.S. citizens or Permanent Residents from Massachusetts colleges and universities and/or out-of-state institutions that have official collaborations with the Outreach Programs Office at UMass Chan Medical School.

During the program, the Nelson-Denny Reading Test and Cognitive Abilities Test are administered as pre-tests to establish baseline data for each participant. Program enrichment courses include formal sessions in English language/communication skills and "Physics as it relates to Physiology." Participants are given daily reading and writing assignments, and engaged in analytical discussions about the assignments. Participants are required to research a health disparities project on a cultural group affected in Massachusetts and prepare a PowerPoint presentation on their research. Guest lectures conduct seminars on contemporary health issues. Participants complete an AMCAS application, write an autobiography, take a practice MCAT examination and participate in a mock interview. The Nelson-Denny and Cognitive Abilities Tests are also administered at the end of the program as post-test to assess the participants progress during the program. During the Closing Program Ceremony certificates of completion and stipends are awarded. Three participants are selected to present their health disparities research projects. An extensive anonymous, post-program evaluation survey is administered to get feedback from the participants on the various elements of the program. Over 360 participants have completed the program between 1990-2023. Participants are tracked for their completion of college; post-secondary certificate programs; enrollment and completion of professional schools; and employment in the BBHP careers. 

Contact us for more information

Phone: 508-856-2707   |   Email: