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Our Residency's Three Health Centers

Welcome to UMass Chan Family Medicine!

We are a top-ranked university program with three community-based health center training sites offering uniquely different clinical and educational experiences. Faculty and residents work collaboratively to create a diverse, strong, and supportive community.

Like three-residencies-in-one, our health centers in Worcester (Family Health Center of Worcester and Hahnemann Family Health Center) and just outside Worcester (Barre Family Health Center) have separate match numbers and conduct interviews on  separate days. I invite you to explore our website and learn about us. Select the health center or centers that you feel will best meet your goals.

If you will be a 4th year medical student during the 2021-2022 academic year, we will be happy to consider interested applicants for a visiting rotation with us. To apply, please find more info here. 

We are committed to resident-centered education and provide  the resources and flexibility to help you reach your full potential. Come share our passion for Family Medicine at UMass! 

Virginia Van Duyne, MD
Program Director