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Program Faculty and Disclosure

Course Director

Daniel Mullin, PsyD, MPH – has nothing to disclose

    • Director, Center for Integrated Primary Care
    • Director, Fellowship in Primary Care Psychology and Medical Education 
    • Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Comunity Health, University of Chan Medical School 
Course Co-Director

Kavita Babu, MD – has nothing to disclose

    • Chief, Division of Medical Toxicology
    • Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
    • UMass Chan Medical School

Phoebe Cushman, MD, MS – has nothing to disclose

Gerardo Gonzalez-Haddad, MD – has nothing to disclose

Amber Cahill, PsyD – has nothing to disclose


  • Daniel Alford, MD, MPH – has nothing to disclose
  • Marya Pulaski, UMass Chan, Medical Student – has nothing to disclose
  • Nicholas Bergeron, UMass Chan, Medical Student – has nothing to disclose
  • Aniket Pandya, UMass Chan Medical Student - has nothing to disclose 

This course was instructed by the Center for Integrated Primary Care at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School in 2019 with funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration  (Grant # 5H79T1081671-03).

This content has been reviewed and approved by the American Society of Addiction Medicine.