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Restoring Balance:                                                                                  Increasing Clinician Connection & Care


The purpose of this educational program is to train clinicians in the skills to address burnout and flourish in their work life. Our learners will improve their ability to have compassionate conversations with peers and patients and learn how their values can reconnect them to being excellent clinicians and address their burnout.



Burnout among clinicians is widespread for example studies showing that 50% of United States physicians surveyed reported burnout. Burnout occurs in 3 stages: (1) emotional exhaustion, (2) depersonalization, and then (3) decreased professional efficacy. The causes of burnout are complex and multifaceted including loss of autonomy and control, lack of work-life balance, and increasing clinical and administrative burdens. Burnout leads to lower quality of care, poor patient-clinician communication and relationships, and medical errors. Many factors contribute to provider burnout including increasing administrative burden, misaligned performance goals, limited time with patients, and isolation from peers. Structural challenges throughout primary care are extensive but often include inadequate resources and staffing for patient care, poor clinician autonomy, difficulties with the Electronic Health Record (EHR), and inconsistent team structure. This brief 5-hour training aims to improve wellbeing and personal resilience in healthcare professionals by teaching mindful self-compassion skills to deal with distressing emotional situations, and difficult patient interactions as they occur at work.

How long is each webinar?

These live webinars will run twice

  • October 18, 2024:  3pm - 5pm Eastern Time 
  • October 25, 2024:  2pm - 5pm Eastern Time

* Registration closes October 11, 2024 

Are the webinars recorded for viewing at a later time?

  • No, the safeguarding measures for participants are not documented/recorded

How much does it cost?

  • $200 includes Risk Management credits 
  • Payment can be made by credit card, UMass internal transfer, or UMass CME funds
  • For our refund policy, please click here for details


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