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Delta Vision Deconvolution Fluorescence microscope

/uploadedImages/MaPS/Shared_Equipment_description_pages/Picture 2.png  Delta Vision Deconvolution Fluorescence microscope  location: AS8-2008A  status: in service 
schedule use  

Olympus IX71 inverted microscope
Photometrics CoolSnap HQ high-resolution CCD camera
Applied Precision x-y-z precision motorized stage
Can be used to collect and analyze three-dimensional microscope images on multiple samples.
Long-term time-lapse three-dimensional images with a minimum of photodamage.
Equipped with an environmental chamber that allows control over temperature and carbon dioxide levels
Live cell tracking
Can combine vertical slice images (Z sections) into a 3 dimensional image and rotate this image as a movie

20X Olympus U APO/340, na 0.75, Ï/0.17
40X Olympus, U Plan S APO na 0.95 Ï/0.11-23/fn26.5  VIS 2
60X Olympus oil na 1.42 Ï/0.17/fn26.5 BFP1  VIS 2

Capabilities and Techniques
* Single or multiple-color fluorescence
* Differential interference contrast (DIC)
* Z-series (as stack or automatically combined as 3D)
* Time-course
* Automatic revisit to multiple stage locations
* Automatic multiple-color excitation
* Live Cell Tracking
* Widefield imaging of living and fixed samples
* Optimized deconvolution
* Temperature, humidity, CO2 control
* Hardware-based autofocus
* 100 watt Mercury Lamp for illumination
* Minimum excitation time: 0.1 s
* Minimum stage movements: 0.1 micrometers
* Maximum of 64 images/Z-series
* 1.5X auxillary magnification lens
* Camera capable of binning pixels (increases signal intensity, decreases resolution)
* Neutral density range: 0 - 1.0 (100 - 0% transmission) for additional intensity control
* Post-acquisition Software Capabilities (deconvolution, 3D combining, movies of rotation, time lapse, or tracking)
* Separate contrast and brightness adjustments in each color
* Selective subtraction of colors from image 

Fluorochrome Capabilities
* Hoechst
* Rhodamine
* R-phycoerythrin
* Cy-5

Downloads/User Guides/capabilities  DeltaVisionQuickStart guide  DV ultimate focus  DV mictotiter stage   DV Z-sweep  2D deconvolution