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By: Katarina A. Lewczyk Date published: September 13, 2024

Richard Ellison III, MDRichard Ellison III Addresses Dangers of EEE in Associated Press Interview 

Richard Ellison III, MD, professor of medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, was featured in an interview by the Associated Press about mosquito-borne illnesses including Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Dr. Ellison explained the dangers of EEE, a rare, but deadly viral infection that can be fatal to humans. Carried by mosquitos, the virus poses a threat to local communities throughout southern New England. 

“Although it’s a very rare infection, we have no treatment for it,” said Dr. Ellison. “When someone gets it, all we can do is provide supportive care. It can kill people.”  

Watch the interview and read the full article about mosquito-borne diseases.