By Katarina A. Lewczyk | Date published: December 16, 2024

Esophageal perforations can occur during endoscopic intervention and are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Although surgery is traditionally used to close large perforations, endoscopic alternatives offer promise.
In a recent article published in VideoGIE, Ikechukwu Achebe, MD, and Shiv Gandhi, MD, both gastroenterology fellows, Katherine Cooper, MD, an Internal Medicine resident, Prashanth Rau, MD, Navine Nasser-Ghodsi, MD, Neil Marya, MD, all assistant professors of medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology, and Eric Then, MD, an advanced endoscopy fellow, report on a patient case where endoscopic suturing was used to close a large esophageal perforation that would have otherwise required surgery. The team utilized various techniques including endoscopic clips, over-the-scope, and through-the-scope suturing to repair the perforation.
Nicole Cherng, MD, of General Surgery, was also involved in the patient's case.