Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Director of the Sanderson Center for Optics Experimentation (SCOPE)
SCOPE Website
Academic Role: Professor Focus: We seek to understand how the causative agent of tuberculosis, namely the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis evades host immunity, and how different components of the immune response work together to contain infection. Our ultimate goal is to inform vaccine development and the design of host directed therapy.
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Host-Microbiome Interaction, Computational Biology, Synthetic Biology
Lab Page
Academic Role: Assistant Professor Focus: Machine Learning, Digital Epidemiology, Mobile Health, and data visualization
Lab Page
Academic Role: Instructor Focus: Viral Entry, Antibodies & Vaccines, Single Molecule Techniques
Lab Page
Academic Role: Assistant Professor Focus:
Lab Page
Academic Role: Professor Focus: Adeno-associated virus vector mediated gene transfer for gene therapy, gene therapy of inherited neurodegenerative Canavan Disease
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Developmental regulation of V(D)J recombination and B cell development.
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Post-transcriptional gene regulation in eukaryotes
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis; Mucosal Innate Immunity; Staphylococcus aureus; Transcriptional Regulation of Host Defense; Autophagy; SARS-CoV-2 Interactions with Human Lung Cells
Lab Page
Academic Role: Gerald L. Haidak, MD, and Zelda S. Haidak Professor of Cell Biology Professor Focus: Cytoplasmic aspects of post-transcriptional regulation in eukaryotes
Lab Page
Academic Role: Professor Focus: Cellular and organismal studies of viral infections
Academic Role: Instructor Focus: Molecular Biology, Bioengineering
Academic Role: Assistant Professor Focus: Gastrointestinal Microbiome, Diet-Microbiome Interaction
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum
Lab Page
Academic Role: Professor and Chair; Founder and Director, Program in Microbiome Dynamics Focus: Mucosal inflammation, host: pathogen interactions, and cancer biology
Lab Page Program in Microbiome Dynamics
Academic Role: Professor Focus: Paramyxovirus Membrane Fusion, Assembly of Paramyxoviruses, Virus Vaccines
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: The Munro laboratory develops and applies quantitative biophysical approaches to visualize virus replication, and probe the functions of the proteins and RNAs involved.
Lab Page
Academic Role: Assistant Professor Focus: Double-stranded DNA break repair in Escherichia coli, Recombineering technology for gene replacement in bacterial pathogens
Lab Page
Academic Role: Assistant Professor Focus: Mycobacterial cell wall synthesis, Mycobacterial genetic manipulation
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Calcium Channels and Neuronal Plasticity
Lab Page
Academic Role: Professor and Vice Chair Focus: Pathogenesis of tuberculosis
Lab page
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: Director of Flow Cytometry Core
Lab Page
Academic Role: Assistant Professor Focus: Virology and vectorology of adeno-associated viruses
Lab Page
Academic Role: Associate Professor, Director of Operations, Center for Microbiome Research Focus: Microbiome, Bacterial Genomics
Program in Microbiome Dynamics
Academic Role: Associate Professor Focus: AAV vector technology and AAV-mediated miRNA therapeutics
Academic Role: Professor Focus: The ZhuGe lab studies the molecular mechanisms by which Ca2+ signals and ion channels control neurotransmitter release and smooth muscle contractility. We also exploit new physiological functions of bitter taste receptors in extra-oral tissues and organs. We aim to find novel molecular targets for new therapies to manage asthma, fecal incontinence, preterm labor and adenomyosis.
Lab Page
Faculty Emeriti
Michael Bratt, PhD James Dobson, PhD H. Maurice Goodman, PhD Peter Grigg, PhD Julie Jonassen, PhD José Lemos, PhD Joshua Singer, PhD Janet Stavnezer, PhD Donald Tipper, PhD Michael Volkert, PhD Robert Woodland, PhD
Affiliated Faculty
Raffi Van Aroian, PhD (Professor∆) Evan Bradley, MD, PhD (Assistant Professor¶) Robert Brewster, PhD (Associate Professor**) Sylvain Cecchini, PhD (Associate Professor*) Jennifer Daly, MD (Professor§) Richard Ellison, MD (Professor§) Terence Flotte, MD (Professorz) Douglas Golenbock, MD (Professor§) John Haran, MD, PhD (Professor¶) Michelle Kelliher, PhD (Professor§) Robert Kotin, PhD (Professor*) Stuart Levitz, MD (Professor§) Egil Lien, PhD (Professor§) Scott Loiler, PhD (Adjunct Assistant Professor*#) John Mark Madison, MD (Professor§) Manish Muhuri, PhD (Instructor*) Peter Newburger, MD (Professorz) Ann Rothstein, PhD (Professor§) David Sela, PhD (Adjunct Assistant Professor****) Elizabeth Shank, PhD (Associate Professor**) Neal Silverman, PhD (Professor§) Marc Uknis, MD (Adjunct Assistant Professorx) Maria Zapp, PhD (Assistant Professor∆)
Primary Affiliations
*UMMS Horae Gene Therapy Center https://www.umassmed.edu/gtc/; **UMMS Department of Systems Biology https://www.umassmed.edu/DSB/; #Voyager Therapeutics Inc. https://www.voyagertherapeutics.com/; ****UMass/Amherst https://www.umass.edu/foodsci/faculty/david-sela; ∆UMMS Program in Molecular Medicine https://www.umassmed.edu/pmm/; §UMMS Department of Medicine https://www.umassmed.edu/medicine/; zUMMS Department of Pediatrics https://www.umassmed.edu/pediatrics/; ¶UMMS Department of Emergency Medicine https://www.umassmed.edu/emed/; &UMMS Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology https://www.umassmed.edu/mccb/; xGemini Therapeutics Inc. https://geminitherapeutics.com/