Resources for Integrating Perinatal Mental Health Care Into Obstetric Settings
Our resources help obstetric settings implement perinatal mental health care into everyday workflow. Our resources include an Overview Guide and supporting materials.
Download your preferred version of the Guide:
Self-guided version [ZIP]
Contains all Guide materials to help obstetric practice teams to independently conduct a quality improvement initiative to integrate perinatal mental health care.
Remote support version [ZIP]
Contains the same materials as the self-guided version along with what’s needed for two virtual meetings with Lifeline for Moms consultants. For information about conducting a quality improvement initiative to integrate perinatal mental health care with virtual support from the Lifeline for Moms team, contact us at
Individual Files of our Resources
If you would like specific resources, find and download them below:
Components Found in Both Versions
Each resource appears in the same order as it appears in the self-guided and remote-support versions. They are available to print or download as single copies.
Assessment Documents
Documents used to complete the practice self-assessment:
Tool to Schedule Implementation and Create Practice Goals
An Excel workbook used to schedule each step of the implementation and create goals for implementation based on a practice self-assessment:
Goals and Tasks Documents
Documents used to create practice goals:
Workflow Documents
Additional Implementation support documents
Screeners and Scorers
Validated mental health screening documents for use in perinatal practices that include screeners for depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and self-harm
- Composite Initial and Follow-Up Screeners and Scorers in English [PDF] (from Lifeline for Moms Toolkit)
- Composite Initial and Follow-Up Screeners and Scorers in Spanish [PDF]
- Shortened Patient Safety Screener [PDF]
- PCL-C Screener for PTSD and Scorer [PDF] (from Lifeline for Moms Toolkit)
Resource Development
A tool and documents for developing perinatal mental health care resources:
Customizable Practice Resource and Referral Directory: A starting workbook of mental health care resources that practices can add to and customize to support their mental health care:
PowerPoint Training for Workflow Template
A customizable template for practices to use to train clinical staff and obstetric care clinicians about implementation and workflow changes: PowerPoint training for Workflow Template [PPT]
Obstetric Care Clinician Packet
Our resources help obstetric care clinicians manage perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Includes mental health care reference materials and patient handouts.
Download all our resources: Obstetric Care Clinician Packet [PDF]
Download individual files:
- Clinician materials (from the Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit):
- Lifeline for Moms Toolkit Obstetric Care Clinician Algorithms [PDF]
- Summary of Perinatal Mental Health Conditions [PDF]
- Postpartum Depression Screening ACOG Payment Advocacy and Policy Portal [PDF]
- How to Talk to Your Patient About Their Mental Health [PDF]
- How to Talk to Patients Who Are Grieving [PDF]
- Patient handouts (from the Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit):
- Clinician materials (from the Lifeline for Moms Perinatal Mental Health Toolkit):
Components Specific to the Remote Support Version of the Guide
- Guide for Integrating Perinatal Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice [PDF]
- Meeting agendas: Customizable implementation meeting agenda documents:
Components Specific to the Self-Guided Version of the Guide
- Guide for Integrating Perinatal Mental Health Care into Obstetric Practice [PDF]
- Meeting agendas: Customizable implementation meeting agenda documents:
- Additional implementation support documents

Addressing Perinatal Mental Health Conditions in Obstetric Settings eModule
Addressing Perinatal Mental Health Conditions in Obstetric Settings eModule is a 4-part online training for obstetric care clinicians and clinical staff about perinatal mental health. This training was developed during two NIH-funded research studies by the Lifeline for Moms team at the UMass Chan Medical School and its partner, Praxis, Inc., along with collaborators at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
Content development was guided by peer-reviewed literature and feedback from numerous advisors and reviewers in the United States, including practicing obstetric clinicians, perinatal mental health clinicians and women with lived experienced of perinatal mood and anxiety conditions. Members of ACOG’s Maternal Mental Health Expert Work Group reviewed most components of the training and will help assure wide availability and dissemination.