Welcome to the Family Medicine Inpatient Service!
FMIS covers approximately 1400 annual admissions, working with Family Medicine Hospitalist Faculty, Barre Family Health center and the Shrewsbury Family Medicine group. The service is comprised of Family Medicine Residents at each year of training with progressive responsibility and leadership expectations. Sub-Interns from UMASS and outside schools also rotate on service.
While working on this service, residents learn the skills required to provide comprehensive evidence-based medical care to adult inpatients. The emphasis is on education as well as service to the community…and having fun in the process!
Collaboration with Specialists
FMIS is fortunate to allow residents the opportunity to work with practitioners and staffs from a number of disciplines: `
Pharmacists: in addition to hospital pharmacists assigned to each floor, there is a faculty pharmacist as well as students from the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy who round with the family medicine residents providing teaching and advice about medication-related issues. Pharmacist faculty from MCPHS and trainees round with our inpatient team and participate in didactics.
Behavioral Medicine Fellows & Faculty: A practitioner of behavioral medicine rounds with the family medicine teams at least once per week assisting with patient encounters and providing valuable teaching.
Nurses and PCAs: Residents interact on a regular basis with nursing, case management,and social work leading to a sense of camaraderie on a multi-disciplinary team.
Consultants: Residents are fortunate to work with attending physicians and fellows from all specialty services in a team approach to caring for patients. Our consultants are approachable and dedicated to teaching residents.
WORKERS of WORCESTERJason Numbers, MD, family medicine hospitalist and WFMR resident Class of 2012.
Photo by An-Hoa Giang, MD for the Workers of Worcester project.
Read Jason’s story here.