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Governance Document of The University Of Massachusetts Worcester

Article VI: Standing Committees

A. Types of Committees

At UMW, there are a number of committees that provide assistance to campus operations and provide input on campus policies and procedures. They are described as follows:

1. Informal or ad hoc committees as may be constituted by the Chancellor, Provost and/or Deans, usually for a particular purpose and may be for a limited time-frame. Due to the nature and number of these committees, they are not specifically named in this document. The written “charge” establishing such a committee shall set forth the membership, the purpose, and any procedural requirements for the meetings. Notice of the establishment of any such informal or ad hoc committees shall be timely provided to the Executive Council and Faculty Council.

2. Statutorily-mandated committees that exist to fulfill certain federal or state requirements will be established and maintained in compliance with the related statute and/or regulation (a list of current statutorily-mandated committees is attached as Appendix I).

3. Standing Committees (as stated below) report to either the Faculty Council, Executive Council, Provost and/or Chancellor, and generally advise and consult with certain specified UMW Committees or Leadership. The guiding principles in the establishment of these Standing Committees include but are not limited to any one or more of the following:

• it serves an operational necessity for UMW;
• it safeguards the interests of UMW;
• it ensures ongoing faculty participation in matters of interest impacting the faculty and faculty life;
• it promotes shared governance of UMW; and
• it provides consistent campus-wide policy and procedure.

Such committees are integral in supporting the missions of UMW. These Standing Committees will fulfill their assigned duties, which the Chancellor may increase at his/her discretion. In carrying out their duties, these Committees shall not usurp material functions of administrative departments.

The general conditions and governance rules shall be as follows, unless otherwise explicitly stated for a particular Committee:

a. Faculty member terms are for three years, unless otherwise stipulated herein. Membership on Standing Committees or their subcommittees shall be staggered so that one-third of the faculty members are appointed annually. Vacancies may be filled at any time. When a vacancy occurs on a Standing Committee, the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, after consulting with the Chair of the involved Standing Committee and the Nominations Committee, may fill the vacancy with another faculty member who shall serve until the term for that position expires or until the next regular faculty election.

b. The Chancellor, Provost or their designee(s) may serve on all Standing Committees as non-voting ex-officio members.

c. Each Standing Committee may create a subcommittee to work on a particular issue under the Duties of the Standing Committee. Membership on such a subcommittee does not confer membership on the Standing Committee. Subcommittee members may attend Standing Committee meetings, but may only vote if they are also Standing Committee members.

d. Voting members of a Standing Committee or subcommittee shall elect the Chair with terms as specified in the particular committee’s bylaws.

e. Only appointed/elected members of a Standing Committee have voting privileges.

f. Decisions (including the presence of a quorum) shall be determined by a simple majority of the voting membership. Such “votes” may be established by members participating in-person and/or via teleconference, video conference, or any other technology that allows full participation by the member. Proxy (absentee) voting is not permitted.

g. Upon request by either the Faculty Council or Executive Council, the Standing Committees shall make a report to the requesting Council.

h. Meetings shall be held as stated in their respective committee bylaws. Each Standing Committee shall prepare, adopt and regularly review their own bylaws for the purpose of establishing Chair, quorum and standard operating procedures. Committees shall regularly review their bylaws, and at a minimum every five (5) years. Proposed amendments shall be forwarded to the Chancellor and Provost for their review and input. Such amendments must then be approved by both the Faculty Council and the Executive Council.

B. Standing Committees

1. Committee on Scientific and Research Affairs

a. Duties

The Committee on Scientific Research and Affairs (CSRA) provides faculty input for considering and evaluating activities relating to research conducted in or administered through UMW. The Committee shall review the annual budget for the Office of Research and make recommendations to the Chancellor, Provost, Deans and the Executive Vice Chancellor for Research as to funding priorities. The Committee shall also regularly (at least once every three years) review the performance of each core research facility and make recommendations as to the level of support that should be provided for such cores based on usage and customer satisfaction. The Committee may also serve as an ad hoc review panel for intramural grants, making recommendations for funding to the Chancellor, Provost, Deans and the Executive Vice Chancellor for Research.

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The CSRA shall advise and consult with the Executive Council, Faculty Council and Student Government Alliance regarding matters and significant issues affecting the research environment.

ii. The Chancellor, Provost, Deans and UMW’s Executive Vice Chancellor for Research shall consult with the CSRA on research-related matters and significant issues affecting the research environment.

iii. The CSRA shall advise and receive regular reports (at least annually) from Committees dealing with the research enterprise including but not limited to the Laboratory Safety Committee, the Radiation Safety Committee, the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research, the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.

iv. The CSRA shall advise and report to the Executive Council and Faculty Council.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership of the CSRA shall consist of the following:

1) One (1) faculty member elected to represent each academic Department or School that consists of 100 or fewer Faculty-at-large; and Two (2) faculty members elected to represent each academic Department or School that consists of more than 100 Faculty-at-large. Each academic Department, budgeted program or school may have one elected non-voting co-representative per voting member, who may attend CSRA meetings and shall have voting rights in the absence of the elected representative.

2) One student per School appointed by each School’s student Representative Body.

3) Any other academic unit, such as a Program, Center or Institute may request voting membership for a three year term to be approved by the voting membership of the CSRA.

ii. Non-voting membership of the CSRA shall consist of the following:

iii. The Chancellor, the Provost, the Deans of the Schools, Executive Vice Chancellor for Research and Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

2. Committee on Equal Opportunity and Diversity

a. Duties

The Committee on Equal Opportunity and Diversity (CEOD) supports innovations of personal and professional growth and advancement at all levels of employment and education. The CEOD collaborates with and provides oversight and feedback to UMW on its policies, procedures, and activities to meet the diversity goals of the institution. The CEOD promotes and enhances UMW’s efforts to build a workforce that is culturally diverse and inclusive in recruiting, hiring, admitting, promoting, compensating, and retaining staff, faculty and students. The CEOD may provide input to the Chancellor on the appointment of candidates for senior leadership positions, including Provost, Deans, Chairs and Directors. The members will be responsible for organizing specialized subcommittees as needed and as defined in the Committee’s bylaws.

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The CEOD shall work collaboratively with the institution’s Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion and the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office, supporting the development and implementation of the activities, policies and procedures associated with the diversity and inclusion efforts of UMW.

ii. The CEOD shall report directly to the Chancellor.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership of the CEOD shall consist of the following:

1. Fifteen members of the faculty representing all schools, appointed by the Nominations Committee
2. Fifteen staff members selected by a committee comprised of the Deputy Director for Administration and Finance of UMass Biological Laboratories (or designee), Chief of Staff for ForHealth Consulting (or designee), Chief of Staff for the T.H. Chan School of Medicine Dean’s Office (or designee), Chief of Staff for the Chancellor’s Office (or designee) and chaired by the Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion
3. One student from each School, selected by the student Representative Body.

ii. Non-voting membership shall consist of the following: Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion; and other representatives or administrative officials as may be designated annually by majority vote of the CEOD. Additional non-voting members shall be appointed annually by majority vote of the CEOD and may include members of the subcommittees and Faculty-at-Large.

3. Grievance Committee

a. Duties

The Grievance Committee shall consider grievances of members of the faculty. A faculty grievance is defined in the Grievance Procedure for UMW (T88-038A, as amended).

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The Grievance Committee shall consult with the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

ii. The Grievance Committee shall report to the Chancellor and Provost.

c. Membership

Voting membership of the Grievance Committee shall consist of seven (7) faculty members representing all Schools elected by vote of the Faculty-at-large from a slate proposed by the Nominations Committee. Faculty with significant administrative roles (e.g. Vice Chancellors, Deans and Chairs) are not eligible to serve as voting members.

4. Information Technology Committee

a. Duties

The Information Technology Committee (ITC) shall provide input into all matters related to the research, education and clinical information technology needs of the faculty, staff and students. The members will be responsible for organizing specialized subcommittees as needed and as defined in the Committee’s bylaws.

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The ITC shall advise and consult with the Executive Council, Faculty Council, Committee on Scientific and Research Affairs, Student Government Alliance and the educational administration for each School.

ii. UMW’s Chief Information Officer shall consult with the Committee on the development and implementation of information technology infrastructure, policies and procedures, and the Committee may make recommendations to UMW’s CIO concerning same.

iii. The ITC shall report to the Faculty Council and Executive Council.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership of the ITC shall consist of the following faculty members:

1) Three faculty members (one from each School) appointed by the Nominations Committee.

2) Three faculty members selected by the Provost, representing the mission areas.

3) One student appointed by the Student Government Alliance.

4) One resident appointed by the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education.

ii. Non-voting membership shall consist of the following:

1) Executive Vice Chancellor for Research, Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, Director of Library Services, Chief Information Officers for UMW and UMMHC, and Deans of the T.H. Chan School of Medicine, the Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing and the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

2) Two additional students as appointed by the Student Government Alliance.

3) Alternate members may be designated as defined in the Committee’s bylaws. These members may attend and participate without vote.

5. Intellectual Property Committee

a. Duties

The Intellectual Property Committee (IPC) provides faculty input on matters pertaining to UMW’s intellectual property, as described in Trustee Doc. T96-040 (as amended). The IPC shall periodically review UMW’s policies that address intellectual property, such as Trustee Doc. T96-040.

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The IPC shall advise and consult with the Executive Council, Faculty Council and Committee on Scientific and Research Affairs.

ii. UMW’s Executive Vice Chancellor for Research and UMW’s Office of Technology Management shall consult with the IPC on intellectual property matters.

iii. The IPC shall report to the Chancellor.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership of the IPC shall consist of the following: Seven (7) faculty members appointed by the Nominations Committee.

ii. Non-voting membership shall consist of the following:

1) Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance; Executive Vice Chancellor for Research; and the Director of UMW’s Office of Technology Management.

2) Alternate members may be designated as defined in the committee’s bylaws. These members may attend and participate without vote.

6. Library and Learning Resources Committee

a. Duties

The Library and Learning Resources Committee shall provide faculty input with regard to the selection, purchase and placement of library assets including books, journals, on-line services, and teaching resources, and issues pertaining to photocopying, library access, and fees.

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The Library and Learning Resources Committee shall advise and consult with Executive Council, Faculty Council, Student Government Alliance and the educational administration for each school.

ii. The Director of the Library shall consult with the Library and Learning Resources Committee on these matters.

iii. The Library and Learning Resources Committee shall report to the Faculty Council and Executive Council.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership of the Library and Learning Resources Committee shall consist of the following eleven (11):

1) seven members of the faculty representing all schools, appointed by the Nominations Committee

2) one student per school appointed by each school’s student Representative Body

3) one resident appointed by the Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education

ii. Non-voting membership shall consist of the following:

1) The Director of Library Services, Director of Information Services and one member of the Worcester District Medical Society.

2) Alternate members may be designated as defined in the committee’s bylaws. These members may attend and participate without vote.

7. Nominations Committee

a. Duties

The Nominations Committee oversees the process in which faculty populate Standing Committees, where stipulated herein, either elected or appointed. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs shall consult with Department Chairs and Deans to obtain recommendations for Standing Committee assignments and shall canvas the Faculty-at-large for their areas of special interest and expertise that may be of use to a particular Standing Committee. Faculty may self-nominate for membership on Standing Committees. The process is as follows:

i. Appointed: The Nominations Committee shall consider all nominations for appointment provided to and/or made by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. The Nominations Committee shall vote on such proposed nominations for appointment and forward same to the Executive Council for approval.

ii. Elected: The Nominations Committee shall consider all nominations for election provided to and/or made by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs. The Nominations Committee shall vote on a proposed slate of candidates to stand for election, which slate shall be posted no less than fourteen (14) days prior to the election. Other candidates may request to be added to the ballot upon the written request of twenty (20) Faculty. The final official ballot will then be forwarded to the Faculty-at-large for a vote. A simple majority of votes will determine the elected candidate(s).

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The Nominations Committee shall consult with the Chairs of each Standing Committee for input regarding attendance, participation, and nominations.

ii. The Nominations Committee shall report to the Executive Council.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership of the Nominations Committee shall consist of the following nine (9): The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, who shall serve as Chair; three members elected by the Executive Council; four members elected by the Faculty Council; and a Chair of the Student Government Alliance.

ii. Non-voting membership shall consist of the following:
The Deans of each of the Schools and two members of the Student Government Alliance.

8. Student Government Alliance

a. Duties

The Student Government Alliance (SGA) provides student input for considering and evaluating student-related activities and matters at UMW. Whenever possible, the SGA shall be advised of substantive changes in administrative policies affecting student life prior to the implementation of these policies. The SGA shall conduct itself in accordance with the UMW Student Government Alliance Constitution and Bylaws as approved by the Board of Trustees on June 8, 2011 (and as amended).

The UMW Student Trustee shall be elected in a process overseen by the SGA in compliance with the University of Massachusetts Board of Trustees policy Student Trustee Election Policy [Doc. T91-133B as amended] and in a manner prescribed by the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
b. Advising and Reporting

i. The SGA shall advise and consult with the Executive Council, Faculty Council, and the educational administration for each school.

ii. The Dean of each school shall consult with the SGA on significant issues affecting the student body.

iii. The SGA shall report to the Provost.

c. Membership
The membership of the SGA shall be comprised as stated in the UMW Student Government Alliance Constitution as approved by the University’s Board of Trustees on June 8, 2011 (and as amended).

9. Women’s Faculty Committee

a. Duties

The Women’s Faculty Committee (WFC) provides input from the women faculty of UMW on matters relevant to women faculty, including recruitment, hiring, professional development, advancement, and retention of women faculty; seeks to promote equity in policies, practices, and procedures of the institution; and may advise the Chancellor on the appointment of candidates for senior leadership positions including Provost, Deans, Chairs and Directors.

The WFC is supported by the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office and by the Office of Faculty Affairs. The Women’s Faculty Committee may, from time to time, provide activities and events for the women faculty and/or the larger campus community for the purpose of education, information, professional development and mentoring, and/or recognition.

The members will be responsible for organizing specialized subcommittees as needed and as defined in the Committee’s bylaws.

b. Advising and Reporting

i. The WFC shall advise and consult with the Executive Council, Faculty Council, Student Government Alliance and the educational administration for each school.

ii. The Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion and the Diversity and Equal Opportunity Office shall consult with the WFC to support the development and implementation of the activities, policies and procedures associated with diversity and inclusion efforts of UMW.

iii. The Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and the Office of Faculty Affairs shall consult with the WFC on matters relevant to women faculty.

iv. The WFC shall report to the Chancellor.

c. Membership

i. Voting membership on the WFC shall consist of the following: seventeen members of the faculty representing all schools, appointed by the Nominations Committee.

ii. Non-voting membership shall consist of the following: Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Diversity and Inclusion; one student from each school as designated by the student Representative Body and other representatives or administrative officials as may be designated annually by majority vote of the WFC. Additional non-voting members shall be appointed annually by majority vote of the WFC and may include members of the subcommittees and Faculty-at-Large.