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Mini-Tenure Review

A faculty member appointed in the tenure track receives a formative evaluation of their progress toward the award of tenure during the fourth year of their probationary period (“Mini-Tenure Review”, APP, Section 4.5.h).

A Mini-Tenure Review is conducted by the chair and department tenured faculty and, if applicable, the director of a non-department unit. If the department has fewer than five tenured faculty members, the chair, in consultation with the candidate, appoints tenured faculty members from other Departments so as to provide at least five reviewers.

On notification by the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, a faculty member submits to their chair a curriculum vitae and any other materials that the faculty member believes are relevant to their progress toward meeting the criteria for tenure. The chair, the tenured faculty members, and, if applicable, the director of a non-department unit, review the Faculty Member’s materials, and provide a written evaluation of the faculty member’s progress toward meeting the criteria for tenure and suggestions that might facilitate the award of tenure. The chair then meets with the faculty member to discuss the evaluation. A copy of the evaluation is provided to the faculty member and is submitted to the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs.

This evaluation is not included in the individual’s tenure dossier and does not affect their subsequent review for the award of tenure, either positively or adversely.