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Information Technology Committee


The Information Technology Committee (ITC) shall provide input into all matters related to the research, education and clinical information technology needs of the faculty, staff and students. The members will be responsible for organizing specialized subcommittees as needed and as defined in the Committee’s bylaws.

Information Technology Committee Members (2024-2025)

Voting Members: 

Committee Chair: Zai, Adrian, PhD - Representing the TH Chan School of Medicine

3 Faculty representing each school as appointed by the Nominations Committee: 

Koul, Omanand, PhD - Representing the Tan Chingfeng Graduate School of Nursing
Lin, Honghuang, PhD - Representing the TH Chan School of Medicine
Liu, Fiefan, PhD - Representing the Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences

3 Faculty as selected by the Provost: 

Fitzgerald, Katherine, PhD - Medicine
Fischer, Melissa, MD - Department of Medicine
Schwab, Michael, BS- Commonwealth Medicine

1 Student selected by the SGA: 


1 Resident appointed by Associate Dean GME:


Non-Voting Membership: 

Flotte, Terence, MD - Dean, TH Chan School of Medicine
Lane, Mary Ellen, PhD - Dean, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Science
Lindstedt, John, CPA - Executive Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance
Luzuriaga, Katherine, MD - Vice Provost for Clinical and Translational Science
Piorun, Mary, PhD, MBA, MSLS - Director of Library Services
Vitello, Joan, RN, PhD - Dean, Tan Chingfen Graduate School of Nursing
Wolf, Gregory, Chief Information Officer