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Correctional Health Educators (CHE)

  • DYS
  • MA DYS
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Correctional Health Educators

Student Leaders

Katherine Li, Jordan Piazza, Yevin Roh, Camilla Yu

Faculty Advisor

Ann Sattler, M.D.

What is CHE?

Partnered with the UMass Department of Adolescent Medicine and the Massachusetts Department of Youth Services, the Correctional Health Educators strives to meet the need for comprehensive sexual and health education for the incarcerated youth population. Due to funding cuts of recent years, these students who, if enrolled in public high schools, would be receiving health classes, receive little or no health education.

The set of workshops we teach at DYS facilities includes Reproductive Anatomy, Contraception, STI's, Nutrition and Physical Exercise, Alcohol and Drugs, Healthy Relationships and Teen Pregnancy.

CHE is an opportunity for graduate level health career students to learn about health education techniques, health in a correctional setting, and to work with a population of enthusiastic students, UMass faculty, and correctional staff.

Events and Meetings

We meet throughout the semester to discuss the classes and update the curriculum. 


Let us know if you are interested in teaching health education classes on a weekly basis!