Q13 - How can students receive discounted internet service for the online curriculum?
The Federal Communications Commission’s “Keep America Connected” initiative pledges to suspend common penalties and expand internet access across the U.S. Several internet and telecom service providers are committed to offering free access to the internet (via WiFi hotspot), discounted internet service and/or increased data allowances to ensure people can get online during this unprecedented time. To learn more, review offerings from the service providers below.
Q14 – What is the current recommendation/guideline for school gatherings (for student groups, OEEs, curriculum, etc.)?
The medical school is following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines on how to control spread of respiratory infectious diseases during outbreaks. Social distancing involves “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance” whenever possible, to limit the ability of a virus to spread. This is not the same as self-quarantine or isolation.
To do our part, we are limiting on-site gatherings to smaller groups (<50 at the current time, though this can change). Some group sessions will be required to be delivered via zoom (for example student interest group meetings, OEEs). Additionally, we are asking members of our community to sit a bit farther away from each other in the library or in meetings; 6 feet apart is the standard.
The library will remain open for now, but please spread apart at tables (consider no more than 2 people per table, one at each end) and restrict group gatherings. Use of individual carrels is fine.
Follow good hand hygiene (wash hands for at least 20 seconds frequently, use hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available, do not shake hands or hug etc. We realize that this can feel isolating for some, and we encourage you to support each other and acknowledge the difficulty of this situation, while recognizing that we are doing our part to protect those who are most vulnerable if they develop COVID-19.
Q15 – What is the school doing about pre-clinical curriculum?
All FOM1 and FOM2 curriculum with the exception of simulations will be delivered via online/zoom capability. You will receive guidance from your course directors as to how you will receive your teaching. Exceptions will be communicated to you (for example, NBME exams). All on-site meetings/group sessions regardless must be limited to <50 participants./p>
Update: Effective 3/15/20, LPP for FOM1 and FOM2 is suspended for a period of 1 week, through 3/22/20. The Office of Educational Affairs and OUME will reassess on 3/22/20 and will provide further guidance at that time.
Update: Effective 3/15/20, LPD testing for FOM1 is suspended for a period of 2 weeks, through 3/29/20. The Office of Educational Affairs and OUME will reassess on 3/29/20 and will provide further guidance at that time.
Please note: this situation is evolving, and recommendations/plans may change. Please pay attention to email updates as they are provided.
Q16 – What is the school doing about the clinical curriculum?
All clinical experiences will proceed as scheduled, unless you hear otherwise from Dr. Larkin or from your course director. This means that you continue to go about your daily activities with your teams/preceptors/patients, while taking appropriate precautions as noted above with regard to patients suspected of having COVID-19. You are prohibited from providing direct care for any patients at high risk for or diagnosed with COVID-19. But you are permitted to be on the team, to discuss the plans and care of these patients, and to learn how to manage patients who have COVID-19. Remember, you are learning medicine, under appropriate supervision, this is an important part of your learning; working in teams to support the care of your patients. For 4th year students, you will be on the front lines caring for all patients, regardless of their medical concerns, in just a few months. Your learning environment will help to prepare you for your work as a physician in July 2020. All course directors are aware of the precautions and limitations that have been put into effect to allow you to learn in a safe and structured environment. Clinical experiences will be monitored and refined accordingly.
Update: as of 3/15/20, medical students will not participate in the ED shifts as part of ECPS. This will be reassessed weekly, next update to be provided on 3/22/20.
iCELS and Simulation Program
iCELS remains open to support clinical procedure modeling for patients with COVID-19 and student education. Simulation experiences are being reviewed on a weekly basis and any changes will be communicated to the students with curriculum updates.
Student Life

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