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Student Health Clearance

UMass Chan Medical School requires all students admitted to the T.H. Chan School of Medicine to complete the Student Health Clearance process prior to matriculation. This policy was developed to decrease risk of transmission of potential infectious agents, and it is part of each student’s professional responsibility to maintain this clearance throughout his/her educational experience at UMass Chan Medical School.

The Student Health Services (SHS) office can help with any questions regarding the clearance paperwork and can assist with resources to help complete the process. SHS can be reached via email at

Student health clearance is mandatory and must be completed and submitted to Student Health prior to the start of classes. Non-compliance may result in revocation of the offer of admission. If you need a booster or follow-up you may communicate results as they become available but should submit the form as soon as possible. 

Please be sure to complete and submit your form no later than one month prior to the start of classes. Details regarding your Student Health Clearance can be found in the PeopleSoft portal.