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Hackathon 2017


Team Ideas R Us -  Ali Abbas Shaik, Anusha Gopu, Kunal Jiwane, Priya Krishna Kumar, Renan Barrios

Hackathon Projects:

1)      Team Ideas R Us (Winner)

  1. Team members : Ali Abbas Shaik, Anusha Gopu, Kunal Jiwane, Priya Krishna Kumar, Renan Barrios
  2. Project nameOIC : Opioid Intervention & Counseling application
  3. Description of the project

Opioid drug crisis has been declared as an epidemic, taking 64000 lives in year 2016 alone. So this project is focused on providing preventive care to patients who has been prescribed Opioid.

It’s a cloud based mobile device application which allows the physician to perform risk assessment for the patient on various stages on the Opioid drug intake phases , i.e. Level A (initial prescription) to Level D (Opioid drug Addict). According to the risk level of the patient, the Physician / Counselor can assign various Tracking  like Pain level tracking, Medication Tracking, and  Community based Programs/ Educational resources.  So that we can keep the patient from getting addicted to Opioid or decrease mortality rate from Opioid drug overdose for the addicts by providing them support.”

2)      Team Division by Zero (Runner-up)

Team members : Juke Salsich, Tim Kontos

  1. Project name: Student grades prediction using Machine Learning
  2. Description of the project

Predicting an outcome in real time, based on a large number of data variables could have a real impact in medical science.

3)      Team RANDOM

  1. Team Members: Zahidur Rahman, Sandeep Ayyappankutty, Anil Jajra, Aditya Ambardekar, Sabir Shaikh
  2. Project name : E R Finder
  3. Description of the project

Interactive Cloud based Healthcare solution to

  • Assist people in locating nearby Emergency Hospital
  • Find out ER rooms availability based on distance, availability and ratings
  • At a glance specialty and amenities provided by Hospitals.
  • Dynamic updates of waiting times and availability.
  • Seamless registration to selected hospital

4)      Team Let's do it in Production

  1. Team members: Willy Ci and Leslie Rutter
  2. Project name: Find a Doctor and their information
  3. Description of the project: 

A bot service that responds to dialog via chat or Cortana to help users find a doctor and have the information sent to their phone, email or slack. Unfortunately, we couldn't attach Cortana due to limitation of our MSDN accounts. We are using LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Service) to help decipher the intent of the user's query: find a doctor, send their information to a device, ask a frequently asked question (not set up yes). Using Azure to host our project with continuous deployment

implemented Microsoft's bot service (now called Bot Channel) 

implemented LUIS, provides keys to easily incorporate into your project

written in C#, Framework 4.6, MVC. 

Azure Search API to get the results of our search returning a JSON file

For our mock doctor data, we are using our UMass Chan Profile's faculty. For now, we have some restrictions as the API does an exact match on Department or Title so if a user types in "chair" and not the exact wording of "chair and assistant professor" no match is returned. We can teach LUIS the multiple words but need to update the API to do a global search. However, the basic functionality of the bot, LUIS and API work as expected and while the set up of our code in Azure was complicated, the implementation of LUIS, the API and the actual coding was very straight forward thanks for some online tutorials. LUIS is extremely easy to get up and running, and the continuous integration into Azure is seamless. 

5)      Team Cyber Scraper

  1. Team members – Siddarth Tamagond; RamChandra Redd; Lohith Bandrehalli; Shwetha Ramamurthy; Rodger Vautour.
  2. Project name – Data Scraping
  3. Description of the project

Cyber Scraper is a web based tool helps to scrape any frequently changing data from public sites and stores data into the could database – Windows Azure, Scraping is initiated at regular interval which is configured and triggered by windows service hosted in the cloud. This locally stored data will be helpful for further analysis for businesses to initiate researches or any business initiatives. We used CNN Health public site for scraping for demo purpose, however this can be configured any public site available in the world. This tool can be extended to scrape data from multiple sites at different configured intervals of time via user management page.

6)      Team SPYDERS

  1. Team members: Kongala Kiran, Abdolrahim Niki, Padmanaban Revichandran Gowthaman, Kuncham  Kalpana, Govinthan Vanathi
  2. Project name: Secure File Transfer using AWS API            
  3. Description of the project

Secure File Transfer of sensitive data files from cloud to UMass Chan Regulated environment to be processed by UMASS applications and Vice Versa.