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Hackathon 2018

  Winners - Team RandomV2

Congratulations to our winners - Zahid, Lohith, and Anil!

Team RandomV2 won by creating a Web-Based Application Monitoring solution that can be easily plugged into all of our applications. They were inspired by the very real pain-point of having to manually check if an application is up or down in case there were any deployments or changes to hosted environments. They wanted solve this by providing a web-based dashboard that was easily customizable to display the high-level status of applications, and provide a drill-down to query the status of discrete components, as needed.

Their solution is easily adaptable by any application, which makes this a no-brainer.

Here are the other teams and their projects that competed:

  1. Positive Deviance (Personal Care Attendant Voice Response)
  2. HackSox (GOGNITION with AWS Cognito)
  3. Clouds In My Coffee (AWS Cognito Cloud Sign-On)
  4. Division by Zero (Machine Learning in a Research Institution)
  5. New England Cheffs (Smart Form Reader)
  6. Data Warriors (Data Masking)
  7. Fix-IT (Facilities incidents by buildings)
  8. “Who sign me for what?!” (simple speech recognition without the you know who!)

 Please take a moment to complete the Hackathon survey, to let us know how we did.

Great work, everyone! See you at the next Hackathon!