Secure Destruction of Data
Secure Destruction of Data
Information Technology at UMass Chan Medical School offers a variety of tools to securely destroy data to meet our customer's compliance needs. If a contract, grant, or other agreement require that UMass Chan Medical School certify to the destruction of sensitive records, please contract the University's Information Security Officer.
Information Technology at UMass Chan Medical School offers Blancco, a tool to overwrite data that is required to be securely destroyed at the conclusion of a contract, grant, project, etc. Blancco performs data sanitization of all UMass Chan Medical School IT assets, including servers, files/folders, desktop/laptop computers and virtual drives. Blancco can only be used on data sets that are required to be deleted based on NIST Guidelines for Media Sanitization.
How do you submit a request for Blancco?
Contact the help desk and describe the type of data that needs to be destroyed using Blancco. Also, the product offers compliance reports.
Other Options
The Information Technology team also uses a "crusher" to physical crush drives as well as degaussing.