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    Transitions ACR Awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working RRTC 5-Year Grant for the 4th Time

    iSPARC and Transitions ACR Researchers Marsha Ellison, PhD, and Michelle Mullen, PhD, were awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working Rehabilitation Research Training Center 5-year grant (2024-2029). 

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    Maryann Davis, PhD, Lancet Psychiatry Commission author on youth mental health

    iSPARC and Transitions ACR Researcher Maryann Davis, PhD, served as a member of the commission on youth mental health that sounded the alarms about the global state of addressing mental health needs in 12-25-year-olds. 

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    Episode 20: Scott Bryant-Comstock on Youth Mental Health and "Getting Busy" (Part 2)

    Part 2 of our conversation with Scott Bryant-Comstock covers the intention of and evolution of, the Children’s Mental Health Network (CMHN)

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  • Episode 19: ADHD Unpacked: The Impact of Being Diagnosed as a Young Adult

    Episode 19: ADHD Unpacked: The Impact of Being Diagnosed as a Young Adult

    Join us for a relatable conversation about the challenges faced by women who are diagnosed with ADHD as adults, including issues with self-esteem, procrastination, and managing day-to-day responsibilities. 

    This episode is perfect for anyone interested in learning more about ADHD or seeking a deeper understanding of late diagnoses. 

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