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    Episode 21: Improving mental health through community-based music, writing, and art programs

    In this episode, we sit down with Davy, a musician and member of our young adult advisory board who shares his experience of using creativity and music to support his mental health. We discuss the transformative power of creative communities and their impact on mental health.

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    Transitions ACR Awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working RRTC 5-Year Grant for the 4th Time

    iSPARC and Transitions ACR Researchers Marsha Ellison, PhD, and Michelle Mullen, PhD, were awarded the NIDILRR Learning & Working Rehabilitation Research Training Center 5-year grant (2024-2029). 

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    Maryann Davis, PhD, Lancet Psychiatry Commission author on youth mental health

    iSPARC and Transitions ACR Researcher Maryann Davis, PhD, served as a member of the commission on youth mental health that sounded the alarms about the global state of addressing mental health needs in 12-25-year-olds. 

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    Episode 20: Scott Bryant-Comstock on Youth Mental Health and "Getting Busy" (Part 2)

    Part 2 of our conversation with Scott Bryant-Comstock covers the intention of and evolution of, the Children’s Mental Health Network (CMHN)

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