Quantitative Skills and Experience Inventory
This is a skills and experience inventory of QHS Department members at UMass Chan Medical School for the purpose of facilitating collaborations and peer support at the University of Massachussetts, both within and between campuses.
- Cohort Studies
- Case-Control Studies
- Secondary Analysis of Claims Data
- National/public use surveys
- Randomized control clinical trials
- Group randomized/clustered randomized controlled or clinical trials
- Power/Sample Size Simple
- Power/Sample Size Special
- Non-Linear Models
- Generalized latent/linear mixed/hierarchical models
- Structural equation models
- Latent class analysis
- Propensity score methods matching/stratification
- Weighting
- Covariate adjustment
- Instrumental variables
- Missing Data missing at random
- Missing Data NOT missing at random
- Bayesian Analysis
- Data mining/machine learning
- Meta-analysis
- Item response models
- Qualitative data analysis
- Database Management
- Survey development and validation
- Internet assisted data collection
- Patient facing technologies
- Chart Reviews
- Running Focus Groups or Key Informant interviews
- R
- M-plus
- Epi-Info
- Matlab
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes
- Genomics
- End-of-life care
- Infectious diseases
- Disparity studies
- Substance abuse