IPEG 2014-2015 Awards
Interprofessional Synergy Dementia Learning Module
PI: Nancy Morris PhD ANP
Co-PI: Erika Olseon DO MS
Teaching effective goals-of-care conversations using simulation and an advance care planning tool
PI: Jennifer Reidy MD MS FAAHPM
Co-PI: Jean Boucher PhD RN; Majid Yazdani MD
Scientific Basis of Medicine Inter-professional Seminar Series
PI: William Royer PhD
Co-PI: Leslie Shaw PhD; Daryl Bosco PhD; Diane McKenna-Yasek RN BSN
IPEG Application Documents
- Overview
- Important Information
- Application Instructions
- Core Competencies for Collaborative Practice
- Prior Award Winners
Submission Steps
- Cover Sheet with Abstract
- Biographical Sketch Template
- Narrative Proposal Template
- Detailed Budget Template
- IRB review if necessary
note: save each file to your personal folder before submitting