Institutional Setting | Education Program | Medical Students | Faculty | Educational Resources | CTS |
Institutional Setting
Self-study Task Force Subcommittee Members
A. Governance and Administration IS 1-11
1. Describe how institutional priorities are set. Evaluate the utility and success of institutional planning efforts, and discuss how planning has contributed to the accomplishment of the program’s educational, research, and clinical services missions.
2. Evaluate the role of the governance structure in the administrative functioning of the medical school. Is the governance structure appropriate for an institution of this size and these characteristics? Are there appropriate safeguards in place to prevent conflict of interest at the level of the governing board, are these safeguards being followed, and are these safeguards effective? Describe any situations that require review by or approval of the governing board (board of trustees) of the school or university prior to action being taken.
3. Evaluate the relationship of the medical school to the university and its clinical affiliates with respect to:
a. The effectiveness of the interactions between medical school administration and university administration.
b. The cohesiveness of the leadership among medical school administration, health sciences center administration, and the administration of major clinical affiliates.
4. Assess the organizational stability and effectiveness of the medical school administration (dean, dean's staff). Has any turnover in central administration staff affected medical school planning or operations? Are the number and types of medical school administrators (assistant/associate deans, other dean's staff) appropriate for efficient and effective medical school administration? Is departmental leadership stable? If there has been turnover in departmental leadership, are vacancies replaced in a timely manner without detriment to departmental functioning? Note any concerns arising from leadership turnover in the school’s central or departmental administration.
B. Academic Environment IS 12-16
5. Evaluate the graduate program(s) in basic sciences and other disciplines, including overall contribution to the missions and goals of the medical school. Describe the mechanisms for reviewing the quality of the graduate program(s) in basic sciences and comment on their effectiveness. Assess whether the graduate programs have an impact (positive or negative) on medical student education. Describe opportunities for interaction between medical and graduate students and the frequency of those interactions.
6. Evaluate the impact of residency training programs and continuing medical education activities on the education of medical students. Describe any anticipated changes in graduate medical education programs (numbers of resident shifts in sites used for training) that may affect the education of medical students.
7. Evaluate the research activities of the faculty as a whole, including areas of emphasis and level of commitment, quality, and quantity in the context of the school’s missions and goals. Note any limitations that may be affecting the research enterprise.
8. Assess the adequacy of the resources (equipment, space, graduate students) for research. Evaluate any trends in the amount of intramural support for research and the level of assistance available to faculty members in securing extramural support.
9. Assess the impact of research activities on the education of medical students, including the availability and ease of medical student access to opportunities for participation in research.
10. Describe programmatic and institutional goals for diversity. Evaluate the success of the medical school in achieving its goals for appropriate diversity among its students, faculty, and staff. Are there recruitment and support programs related to the school’s diversity goals and, if so, are these effective? Describe how well institutional diversity contributes to the educational environment and prepares students for meeting the health care needs of a diverse society. IS 16