Institutional Setting | Education Program | Medical Students | Faculty | Educational Resources | CTS |
Self-study Task Force Subcommittee Members
FA-A |
Number, Qualifications, Functions |
Co-Leaders: | David Harlan, MD | Director of the Diabetes Center of Excellence |
Luanne Thorndyke, MD | Vice Provost, Faculty Affairs | |
Members: | Richard Forster, MD | Vice Chair of Medicine |
Robert brown, MD, PDHIL | Chair and Professor of Neurology | |
Jill Zitzewitz, PhD | Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Pharmacology | |
Robert Milner, PhD | Associate Vice Provost, Professional Development | |
Mitch Cahan, MD | Clerkship Director, Surgery | |
FA-B |
Personnel Policies |
Co-Leaders: | Tony Carruthers, PhD | Dean, Morningside Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences |
Jaime Rivera, PhD | Assistant Professor of Cell Biology | |
Members: | Craig Peterson, PhD | Professor of Program in Molecular Medicine |
Jennifer Daly, MD | Professor of Medicine | |
Ronald Adler, MD | Assistant Professor | |
Mary Lee, MD | Professor of Pediatrics | |
Gary Stein, PhD | Chair and Professor of Cell Biology | |
Jean King, PhD | Professor of Psychiatry | |
FA-C |
Governance |
Co-Leaders: | Octavio Diaz, MD | Associate Dean, Medical Education at Saint Vincent Hospital |
Bob Weinstein, MD | Professor of Medicine | |
Members: | Judith Ockene, PhD, MEd | Associate Vice Provost, Gender and Equity, Faculty Affairs |
Leslie Shaw, PhD | Associate Professor of Cancer Biology | |
Robert Finberg, MD | Chair and Professor of Medicine | |
Tiffany Moore-Simas, MD | Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology | |
Tony Esposito, MD | Chair and Professor of Anesthesiology | |
Elias Arous, MD | Chief of Medicine, Saint Vincent Hospital | |
Susan Pasquale, PhD, MT-BC, NMT | Director, Curriculum and Faculty Development |
A. Number, Qualifications, and Functions FA 1-6
1. Assess the appropriateness of the current size and mix of faculty for the attainment of the medical education program’s goals.
2. Describe and evaluate the availability of opportunities for both new and experienced faculty members (full-time, part-time, and volunteer) to improve their skills in teaching and evaluation. Is institutional or departmental-level assistance, such as training sessions from education specialists, readily available? Comment on the level of faculty participation in such programs.
3. Do faculty receive appropriate support and mentorship related to scholarship? Are formal institutional programs available to support faculty research?
B. Personnel Policies FA 7-11
4. Evaluate the system for the appointment, renewal of appointment, promotion, granting of tenure, and dismissal of faculty members. Are the policies clear, widely understood, and followed?
5. Assess the adequacy of institutional and departmental conflict of interest policies relating to faculty members’ performance of their academic responsibilities.
6. Describe the extent of feedback provided to faculty members about their academic performance and progress toward promotion and/or retention. Are faculty members regularly informed about their job responsibilities and the expectations that they must meet for promotion and/or retention?
7. Discuss the extent to which education is valued in the institution. How are the degree and quality of participation in medical student education factored into decisions about faculty retention and promotion?
C. Governance FA 12-14
8. Evaluate the effectiveness of mechanisms for organizational decision-making. Are necessary decisions made in a timely and efficient manner with appropriate input from faculty and other concerned parties? Describe and assess the relative roles of committees of the faculty, department heads, and medical school administrators in institutional decision-making.
9. Assess the effectiveness of the methods used to communicate with and among the faculty. Do faculty perceive themselves to be well-informed about important issues at the institution? Do faculty believe that they have sufficient opportunities to make themselves heard?