Institutional Setting | Education Program | Medical Students | Faculty | Educational Resources | CTS |
Medical Students
Self-study Task Force Subcommittee Members
MS-A |
Admissions |
Co-Leaders: | Deborah Harmon Hines, PhD | Vice Provost, School Services |
Tom Kramer, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Members: | John Paraskos, MD | Associate Dean, Admissions |
Warren Ferguson, MD | Associate Professor of Family Medicine & Community Health | |
Mariann Manno, MD | Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics | |
Marlene Tucker | Director, Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity | |
Shelton Benjamin, MD | Professor of Psychiatry | |
Karen Lawton | Director, Admissions | |
Juan Ramirez, MS1 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
MS-B |
Student Services |
Co-Leaders: | Anne Larkin, MD | Associate Professor of Surgery |
Mitch Li, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Members: | Sarah McGee, MD, MPH | Clinical Associate Professor of Geriatric Medicine |
Phillip Fournier, MD | Medical Director, Student Health Services | |
Danna Peterson, MB, CHB | Assistant Dean, Student Affairs/Diversity & Minority Affairs | |
Erica Holland, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Doug Ziedonis, MD, MPH | Chair and Professor of Psychiatry | |
Mark Qurik, EdD | Assistant Dean, Academic Achievement | |
Betsy Groves | Director, Office of Financial Aid | |
MS-C |
Learning Environment |
Co-Leaders: | Mai-Lan Rogoff, MD | Associate Dean, Student Affairs |
Bharath Nath, MS4 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Members: | Judy Holewa | Administrative Director, Student Affairs |
Mary Hawthorne, MD | Director, Medicine Clerkship | |
Tim Gibson, MD | Assistant Professor of Pediatrics | |
Michelle Dyke, MS2 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Stephen Heard, MD | Chair and Professor of Anesthesiology | |
Elias Arous, MD | Professor of Surgery | |
Adam Chin, MS1 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine |
(Note: The self-study task force or group responsible for developing the report on medical students should review the results of the independent student analysis and data from the school’s most recent AAMC Medical School Graduation Questionnaire/AFMC Graduation Questionnaire, in addition to the material contained in the medical education database.)
A. Admissions MS 1-17
1. Critically review the process of recruitment and selection of medical students, and evaluate the results of that process. Is the size of the applicant pool appropriate for the established class size, both in terms of number and quality? How are the medical education program’s selection criteria validated in the context of its mission and other mandates? MS 1-11
2. Evaluate the number of students of all types (e.g., medical students, residents, visiting medical students, graduate students in basic sciences) in relation to the constellation of resources available for teaching
(e.g., number of faculty members, space, clinical facilities, patients, educational resources, student services). MS 1-11
3. Describe the school’s successes in broadening diversity among medical school applicants. How well are the school’s programs to enhance the diversity of the medical school applicant pool functioning? How effective are the school’s efforts to track pipeline program graduates? MS 1-11
4. Evaluate whether the acceptance of transfer students, or visiting students in the school’s affiliated teaching hospitals, affects the educational program of regular students (i.e., in the context of competition with the school's own medical students for available resources, patients, educational venues, etc.). MS 12-17
B. Student Services MS 18-22, MS 23-25, MS 26-30
5. Comment on the levels of student attrition and academic difficulty in relation to the medical education program’s admission requirements, academic counseling efforts, and remediation programs. Evaluate the efficacy of the program’s system for early identification and remediation of students in academic difficulty. Describe the counseling and remediation systems that are in place, and assess their effectiveness. MS 18-22
6. In the context of data from the student independent analysis and data from the most recent AAMC Medical School Graduation Questionnaire/AFMC Graduation Questionnaire, evaluate the effectiveness of the systems in place for career counseling, residency preparation, and the selection of elective courses. MS 18-22
7. Evaluate the level of tuition and fees in relation to the amount of graduates’ accumulated debt and to the level of financial aid needed and available. Describe the efforts in place to minimize medical student indebtedness and comment on the effectiveness of these efforts. Describe the adequacy and availability of financial education and debt management programs. MS 23-25
8. Evaluate the adequacy and availability of student support in the following areas: MS 26-30
a. Personal counseling and mental health services, including their confidentiality and accessibility.
b. Preventive and therapeutic health services, including immunizations and health and disability insurance.
c. Education of students about bodily fluid exposure, needlestick policies, and other infectious and environmental hazards associated with learning in a patient care setting.
C. The Learning Environment MS 31-37
9. How effective are the medical education program and its clinical partners in ensuring an appropriate learning environment for medical students? Summarize successes and challenges in evaluating the learning environment to support positive and mitigate negative influences on students’ acquisition of defined professional attributes.
10. Citing data from the independent student analysis and the AAMC Medical School Graduation Questionnaire/AFMC Graduation Questionnaire, comment on the effectiveness of school policies for addressing allegations of student mistreatment and for educating the academic community about acceptable standards of conduct in the teacher-learner relationship.
11. Evaluate the familiarity of students and course and clerkship directors with the school’s standards and policies for student advancement, graduation, disciplinary action, appeal, and dismissal. Review the adequacy of systems for providing students with access to their records and ensuring the confidentiality of student records.
12. Assess the adequacy and quality of student study space, lounge and relaxation areas, and personal storage facilities at all educational sites. Do available resources for study contribute to an environment conducive to learning?