Institutional Setting | Education Program | Medical Students | Faculty | Educational Resources | CTS |
Education Program
Self-study Task Force Subcommittee Members
ED-A |
Educational Objectives |
Co-Leaders: | Christina Hernon, MD | Assistant Professor |
Jeroan Allison, MD | Associate Vice Provost for Health Disparities | |
Members: | Susan Starr, MEd | Assistant Professor & Education Specialist |
John Dickey, MD | PGY 3, Medicine | |
Demetrius Litwin, MD | Chair and Professor of Surgery | |
Erin McMaster, MD | Clerkship Director, Pediatrics | |
Alex Sabo, MD | Chair of Psychiatry, Berkshire Medical Center | |
Joel Bradley, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
ED-B |
Structure of the Education Program |
Co-Leaders: | Sue Gagliardi, PhD | Professor of Cell Biology and Neurology |
Daniel Lasser, MD | Chair and Professor of Family Medicine & Community Health | |
Members: | Deborah Field, MD | Clerkship Director, Psychiatry |
Bill Royer, PhD | Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology | |
Tom Smith, MD | Professor of Pathology and Neurology | |
Andrew Walls, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Michael Ennis, MD | Assistant Dean, Student Advising | |
Mary Philbin, EdM | Director, Faculty Development, Department of Medicine | |
Molly Wolf, MS1 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
ED-C |
Teaching and Evaluation |
Co-Leaders: | Robyn Wing, MD | PGY2, Pediatrics |
Dawn Tasillo, MD | Clerkship Director, Ob/Gyn | |
Members: | Jane Lochrie, MD | Medicine Program Director, Saint Vincent Hospital |
David Hatem, MD | Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine | |
Wendy Gammon, MEd, MA | Director, Standardized Patient Program | |
Vincent Miccio, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
John Cook, PhD | Associate Professor of Cell Biology | |
Lorrie Gehlbach, PhD | Director, Academic Enrichment Program | |
ED-D |
Curriculum Management |
Co-Leaders: | Melissa Fischer, MD | Associate Dean, Undergraduate Medical Education |
Noah Rosenberg, MS3 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Members: | Debra Heitmann, MD | Co-Director, Undergraduate Education for Emergency Medicine |
Charles Sagerstrom, PhD | Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Pharmacology | |
Laura Spring, MS4 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Richard Glew, MD | Vice Chair and Professor of Medicine | |
Marianne Felice, MD | Chair and Professor of Pediatrics | |
Lan Qin, MD, PhD | Assistant Professor of Neurology | |
Mary Cheffers, MS1 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Chau Tran, MS1 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
ED-E |
Program Effectiveness |
Co-Leaders: | Julia Johnson, MD | Chair and Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology |
Julie Jonassen, MD | Professor of Physiology | |
Members: | Mary Zanetti, EdD | Senior Director, Division of Research, Evaluation & Assessment |
Diana Robillard, MS4 | student, T.H. Chan School of Medicine | |
Allison Hargreaves, MD | Assistant Professor of Family Medicine & Community Health | |
Jerry Durbin, MD | Professor of Pediatrics | |
Lawrence Hayward, MD, PhD | Professor of Neurology | |
William Muller, MD | Associate Dean, Medical Education at Milford Regional Medical Center |
A. Educational Objectives ED 1- 2
1. Describe the level of understanding of the school-wide objectives for the educational program among administrators, faculty members, students, and others in the medical education community. Do these objectives serve as effective guides for educational program planning and for student and program evaluation?
2. Comment on the extent to which school-wide educational objectives are linked to physician competencies expected by the medical profession and the public. Summarize results from any associated outcome measures that demonstrate how well students are being prepared for the next stage of their training.
3. Comment on the effectiveness of the system in place to ensure that all students encounter the specified types of patients/clinical conditions needed for the clinical objectives to be met.
B. Structure of the Educational Program ED 3-9, ED 10-23
4. Delineate the mechanisms in place to ensure that the educational program provides a general professional education that prepares students for all career options in medicine. Cite relevant outcomes indicating success in that preparation. ED 3-9
5. Evaluate the adequacy of instructional opportunities for students to engage in active learning and independent study. Assess the effectiveness of the program’s efforts to prepare students to engage in self-assessment of their learning needs and to develop other skills to support habits of lifelong learning?
6. Evaluate the adequacy of the system for ensuring consistency of educational quality and of student assessment when students learn at alternative sites within a course or clerkship. ED 3-9
7. Comment on how well all content areas required for accreditation are addressed in the curriculum. How confident is the educational program leadership that these topics are appropriately addressed? ED 10-23
8. Assess the balance between inpatient and ambulatory teaching and the appropriateness of the teaching sites used for required clinical experiences. ED 10-23
C. Teaching and Evaluation ED 24-32
9. Comment on the adequacy of the supervision of medical students during required clinical experiences. Discuss the effectiveness of efforts to ensure that all individuals who participate in teaching, including resident physicians, graduate students, and volunteer faculty members, are prepared for their responsibilities in medical student teaching and assessment.
10. Evaluate the adequacy of the methods used to assess student attainment of the objectives of the educational program. Comment on the appropriateness of the mix of testing and evaluation methods. Describe the frequency with which students receive formative assessment in addition to summative evaluations. Discuss the timeliness of performance feedback to students in the preclinical and clinical years.
11. Describe the system for ensuring that students have acquired the core clinical skills specified in the school’s educational program objectives. Evaluate the frequency with which students are observed and receive feedback on their clinical skills. Are there any limitations in the school’s ability to ensure that the clinical skills of all students are appropriately assessed?
D. Curriculum Management ED33-38
12. Assess the adequacy of the system for managing the curriculum and ensuring that it is coherent and coordinated. Do the curriculum as a whole and its component parts undergo regular, systematic review? Describe the procedures in place to identify and rectify any problems in the curriculum as a whole and in individual courses and clerkships. Evaluate the effectiveness of these procedures, and provide specific illustrative examples. Provide evidence that the school monitors the content covered in the curriculum to ensure that all desired content is covered, that gaps or unwanted redundancies do not occur, and that there is appropriate horizontal and vertical integration among content areas.
13. Does the chief academic officer have sufficient resources and authority to ensure that the educational program can achieve institutional goals and learning objectives?
14. Assess the effectiveness of curriculum planning in the medical education program. Describe efforts to ensure that there is appropriate participation in planning and that resources needed to implement the plans will be available.
15. How does the curriculum committee ensure that students have sufficient time for learning? Evaluate the educational workload and the balance between education and service in the clinical years. Assess the effectiveness of the mechanisms used to monitor student duty hours. Do students receive sufficient formal teaching during their clinical clerkships?
16. For schools that operate geographically separate campuses, evaluate the effectiveness of mechanisms to ensure that educational quality, curricular content, and student services are consistent across sites. In order to determine the comparability of teaching and student assessment across campuses, review patterns of grades and indicators of student performance and satisfaction.
E. Evaluation of Program Effectiveness ED 46-47
17. Describe the evidence indicating that institutional objectives are being achieved by enrolled students.
18. Discuss how information about enrolled students and graduates is used to evaluate and improve the medical education program.