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Preventive Medicine

Table 1:  UMMC Preventive Medicine Program Training Sites

Clinical and Practicum Training Sites 

UMMHC UMMHC Affiliates 
  • Tri River Family Health Center
  • Fitchburg Family Health Clinic
  • Health and Human Fitness Center
  • Nutritional Services
  • Internal Medicine Lipid Clinic
  • Office of Community Programs
  • Behavioral Medicine
  • Hahnemann Family Health Center
  • Stress Reduction Program
  • Division of Quality Assurance
  • Family Health and Social Service Center (s.330a)
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • ForHealth Consulting
  • Massachusetts State DPH, Division of Medical Assistance
  • Central Massachusetts Regional DPH
  • Western Massachusetts Regional DPH
  • City of Worcester DPH
  • Fallon Health Center
  • (HMO)Harvard Pilgram Health Care
  • (HMO)Springfield Southwest Community Health Center(s.330a)
  • Franklin County Community Health Center(s.330a)
  • Great Brook Valley Health Center(s.330a)
  • AIDS Project Worcester
  • MassachusettsPrevention Center Community Health Link
  • Health Awareness of Worcester
  • VNA of Center Massachusett
Federal Agencies 
  • CDC
  • Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
  • Health Care Financing Administration
  • American College of Preventive Medicine
Academic Programs  Research Institutions 
  • Worcester Campus MPH Program (UMMHC)
  • School of Public Health and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Preventive Medicine Residency Seminar Series, UMMHC
  • Research Seminar, Division of Preventive Medicine, UMMHC
  • Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatric Grand Rounds, UMMHC 
  • Behavioral Medicine Seminar, UMMHC
  • Dept. of Family Medicine and Community Health Research Forum
  • Public Health Practice On-Line MPH Program
  • Clinical and Population Health Research Doctoral Program
  • MSCI Masters in Clinical Investigation
  • Office of Research, UMMHC
  • New England Research Institute (NERI)
  • Meyers Primary Care Research Institute (UMMHC)
  • Behavioral Medicine Research Core, UMMHC
  • Institute for Cancer Prevention and Control Research, UMMHC
  • Center for Health Policy and Health Services Research
Teaching Activities 
  • Community Medicine Clerkship
  • Epidemiology and Biostatistics
  • Enviornmental Health Interclerkship
  • Culture and Diversity Interclerkship Family Practice Residency Geriatric Rotation
  • Interclerkships for Medical Students
  • Family Medicine Residency Teaching Workshops