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Eduardo Torres, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Ph.D.:  2003, Cornell University
Postdoctoral research: University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Office: UMass Chan Medical School
364 Plantation Street, LRB-523
Worcester, MA 01605
Phone: 508-856-4353
Email: Eduardo.Torres@umassmed.edu

Lab Website


Our laboratory focuses on identifying the molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of aneuploidy (an abnormal number of chromosomes) on cellular physiology and on cancer initiation, maintenance and progression. We utilize the yeast Saccharomyces Cerevisiae as a model organism to study cellular responses upon acquiring extra copies of entire chromosomes. Our studies will reveal the conserved basic cellular processes affected by aneuploidy, allowing for the potential to exploit this intrinsic characteristic of most human tumors to development of novel anti-cancer therapies.

Click here for a complete list of published work

Rotation Projects

A. Study the effects of aneuploidy on cellular metabolism.

B. Study the effects of aneuploidy on protein turnover pathways.

C. Study the mechanisms by which aneuploidy-tolerating mutations improve the fitness of aneuploid cells.

Positions Available  

A. Rotations are available in this laboratory. Please contact Dr. Torres for details

B. A postdoctoral fellow position is available for a highly motivated candidate to join us. The Candidates should have a recent Ph.D or M.D/Ph.D degree in Cancer Biology, Genetics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology or related field. They should be highly motivated, have a strong desire to learn and excellent communication skills. Applicants should send their CV, summary of previous research and the name of three references that may be contacted to Dr. Eduardo Torres