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Primary Care For You

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Legislation for “Primary Care for You” (PC4You) has been introduced into the Massachusetts Senate.  This legislation integrates some of the best innovations from many states and provides a roadmap for greatly expanding funding to primary care practices.  The legislation helps the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to reconceptualize primary care as a public good that belongs to all residents of the state.  Proper funding of primary care has the potential to improve the health of all of the state's residents by enabling everyone to participate in education, employment, and family life by ensuring that their basic healthcare needs are addressed by their primary care team. The model of primary care envisioned in this legislation focuses on ensuring continuity of care, comprehensive care across the lifespan, easily accessible care, and care that is coordinated across settings.  This legislation also acknowledges the central role of behavioral health in primary care practice, with primary care teams responsible for both the physical and behavioral health of patients.

Click here for the full Bill and click here for a 2-page summary.

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