Posted On: January 24, 2025

Massachusetts is considering legislation called Primary Care for You (PC4YOU) that could have a national impact as the country deals with the challenges of access to primary care.
Posted On: May 30, 2023

A recent publication in the journal Health Services Research A systematic review of research on empathy in health care provides a helpful summary of the past fifty years of research regarding “empathy.” This important and timely article included more than 400 peer-reviewed studies on the impact of empathy on key health outcomes
Posted On: March 30, 2023

In President Biden’s 2023 State of the Union he described a four-part Unity Agenda, and declared, “By this summer, the Federal Bureau of Prisons will ensure that each of their 122 facilities are equipped and trained to provide in-house medication-assisted treatment (MAT).”
Posted On: August 18, 2021

First let me say that the PHQ-9 is a fairly good tool for screening patients and identifying those who have an unmet behavioral health need. While I think computer adaptive testing is a better approach and the way of the future, there are still plenty of settings where a paper and pencil PHQ-9 is the best we can do.
Posted On: July 19, 2021

For years employers in many sectors, including healthcare, have offered funding for continuing education as an employment “benefit.” As healthcare increasingly focuses on quality of care, are there good reasons to think about this investment?
Posted On: May 25, 2021

A Behavioral Health staff huddle at the Barre Family Health Center
Does more integration mean better healthcare? What if you work in a rural practice or in a busy practice in the center of a major city? Dr. Daniel Mullin and colleagues developed the Practice Integration Profile (PIP) to create a measure of integrated primary care that compares practices and monitors integration in a practice over time. Read the post by clicking on the title.