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Goals and Objectives

PGY-1 (Clinical Base Year)

Internal Medicine Wards
Trauma Surgery
Vascular Surgery 
Colorectal Surgery 
Emergency Medicine
Renal Medicine Consult
Chest Radiology
Transfusion Medicine

PGY-2 (CA-1)

CA-1 Year Goals
OR Orientation - University
General OR - Memorial
ICU - Memorial
Ambulatory Analgesia
General OR - University
Acute Pain - University
Pre-Surgical Evaluation

PGY-3 (CA-2)

Fiberoptic Intubation
Cardiac Anesthesia 
Cardiac Primer
Thoracic Anesthesia
Chronic Pain
General OR - University
General OR - Memorial
Pediatric Anesthesia - University
Vascular Anesthesia - University
Neuroanesthesia Readings
OB Anesthesia
Regional Anesthesia - Hahnemann
ICU - University
Thoracic Reading Packet
Pediatric Guidelines
Pedi Primer

PGY-4 (CA-3)

CA-3 Curriculum
Pediatric Anesthesia at University, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence RI or Children's Hospital, Boston, MA
Neuroanesthesia - University
OB Anesthesia - Memorial or Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Pre-surgical Evaluation
Clinical Director Rotation
ICU - Junior Fellow, Surgical ICU
General OR - University
Thoracic Reading Packet
Pediatric Guidelines
Pedi Primer


ENT at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, MA
Pain Management at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA
Cardiothoracic Anesthesia at University Campus
Thoracic Anesthesia at University or Rhode Island Hospital
Advanced Clinical Track
General OR – Memorial
Ambulatory or Regional Anesthesia – Hahnemann
Community-Based Anesthesia – Marlborough Hospital

SICU (CA-1, 2, & 3)

2014 SOCCA Guidelines
Resuscitation Fluids
SICU Orientation