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Becoming an Adult: Challenges for Those with Mental Health Conditions


Date Posted: Thursday, October 06, 2011
By: Maryann Davis, Kathryn Sabella, Lisa M. Smith, Amanda Costa


This brief will describe psychosocial development and family life cycle changes during the transition to adulthood in typical youth and youth with serious mental health conditions (SMHC). We also describe additional challenges this population faces, and what can be done to support them and improve their outcomes.

Originally published as: Transitions RTC Research Brief 3, 2011.

Also available in additional languages.

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Subject Area

Transition Age Youth


transition to adulthood, youth, serious mental health conditions (SMHC), Spanish

Suggested Citation

Davis M, Sabella K, Smith LM, Costa A. Becoming an Adult: Challenges for Those with Mental Health Conditions [English and Spanish versions]. Psychiatry Information in Brief 2012;8(15):1064. Retrieved from