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Massachusetts Consortium NIDA  Center of Excellence Activities

Phase I - The Massachusetts Consortium has completed the following Phase 1 NIDA CoE activities: establishment of an Expert Advisory Panel composed of representatives from the 4 collaborating medical schools/institutions; development of a needs assessment survey to assess MS-3 and MS-4 students’ and primary care residents’ knowledge, self-defined competency and/or comfort in related skills, and preferred educational methods; initiation of curriculum development.

Phase II - The Massachusetts Consortium is now engaged in Phase 2 activities include curriculum development, pilot implementation and assessment of the following curriculum products:

  • Problem Based Learning Case (opiate addiction in patient with chronic pain)
    Targeted Learners: 2nd Year Medical Students

  • Problem Based Learning Patient Case Study Module (pain management) 
    Targeted Learners: 3rd Year Medical Students

  • General Overview of Prescription Drug Abuse
    Targeted Learners: PGY 1-3 Internal Medicine Residents

  • Faculty Development Workshop on Prescription Drug Abuse (focus on precepting students and residents who care for patients presenting with chronic pain and requesting narcotic analgesia)
    Targeted Learners:  Faculty preceptors of students and residents in Primary Care Internal Medicine and Family Practice.