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Massachusetts Neurological Association - Spring Conference 2023

The Department of Neurology community was represented at this year's annual conference for the MNA, held in Boston, MA on March 25, 2023.

Ika Noviawaty, MD, is named the new association president of the Massachusetts Neurological Association, serving for a two-year term.   

Raffaella Umeton, MD, completed her presidential tenure in 2023 for the MNA, and we are excited to see another member of our department move into this leadership role.

Thank you for your advocacy in mental health and neurological behavior therapies and treatments.

Posters were presented by two of our residents, Bahadar Srichawla, MD, and Ton Fang, MD.

A.M. Barrett, MD, presented on Disability Assessment for Neurological Disorders. Dr. Anindita Deb, a past-president of the MNA also participated in this year's spring conference. 

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