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Faculty Retreat Materials

Spring 2010 Retreat Agenda
March 19-20, 2010

Warren Conference Center
529 Chestnut St. Ashland, MA 01721



Friday, March 19, 2010

12:00         Lunch

1:00-2:30   Panel: Patient-Centered Medical Home: Next Steps for the Department
                 Setting the context:Ron Adler
                 Patient Engagement: Mark Quirk 
                 Evidence-based approach and team-based care:Ron Adler
                 Educational implications: Stacy Potts
                 Evaluation and research: Lee Hargraves
                 Click here to view session's presentation materials.

2:45-4:30   Working Small Groups           
Task: Developing a set of PCMH implementation tactics aligned with strategies within the five priority
                 areas of the dept. strategic plan. Tactics in this case are defined as measurable things to be
                 done within a year’s time.
                 Medical Student Education: Robert Baldor and Mark Quirk
                 Residency Education: Stacy Potts and James Ledwith 
                 Clinical Practice: Dennis Dimitri and Ron Adler

4:30-5:30  Report out in large group 

5:30-7:30  Dinner and social time

Saturday, March 20, 2010

7:30-8:30   Breakfast and Special Topic Tables for: 
                 Seeking Contextual Data: Jay Broadhurst and Peter McConarty
Discussion on how to stimulate sensitivity to patient background (focus on diversity of culture, ethnicity,
                 experience) and the challenges of recording that information in an EMR. 
                 Residency Graduate Survey:
Stacy Potts
  A working group in discussion about a recurring survey of graduates from the FM residency program.

8:30-9:30   Health Reform Redux: Medical Home, Payment Reform and Health Information Technology
 Jay Himmelstein, Dennis Dimitri and Judy Steinberg
                 Updates from the state legislative committee with a medical home theme, including developments in HIT/HIE
                 and payment reform, as well as state-level advances.
                 Click here to view sesson's presentation materials.

10:00-noon Concurrent sessions:

                 Maternity Care in FMCH: Anita Kostecki and Sara Shields
                 Members of our department who support and/or provide maternity care will have an opportunity to create a
                 vision of what type of maternity care we should be offering as Family Physicians  and how this care could be
                 provided over the next 5-10 years. We will encourage participants to brainstorm both about what they would
                 ideally like to see happen, as well as what may be practically achievable in the foreseeable future. 
                 We would hope to come out of the session with a range of opinions about what model(s) we should move
                 towards, and how we might implement such models, thus creating a blueprint for those of us in leadership
                 positions in the department to work with over time.

                 HRSA grant writing: Bob Baldor and Mark Quirk
                 This workshop will be a working session devoted to the preparation of HRSA training grants. Participants who
                 are writing grants for the April 9 deadline will be invited to attend. They will bring copies of work completed to
                 date, questions, and computers. 
                 Click here to view session's presentation materials. 
                 Charting a New Course for Public Health in Central MA:
Suzanne Cashman, Abbie Averbach, and Derek Brindisi
                 Very brief overview of the work of the Task Force and their recommendations to the Mayor regarding organized
                 public health in Worcester. We’ll focus in on two of the recommendations’ strategic goals: a) mobilizing a
                 coordinated community approach and b) making data-driven and evidence-based decisions. 
                 Click here to view session's presentation materials.

12-12:45   Lunch and PBRN lunch conversation

12:45        Dessert and Reflections from the Chair