Opportunities to Give
Please scroll down to the bottom of this page to learn how you can make your gift.
Daniel H. Lasser, MD, MPH
Family Medicine Education Innovation Fund

Daniel H. Lasser, MD, MPH served as Chair of Family Medicine and Community Health for nearly three decades, retiring in 2019. During this time, he led innovative programs across the department’s education, clinical practice, community health and research missions. The Daniel H. Lasser Family Medicine Education Innovation Fund will continue Dan’s legacy and support training the next generation of family physicians and an interdisciplinary healthcare team and serve as a catalyst for continued innovation.
The first $50,000 of donations to this fund will be matched.
Warren J. Ferguson, MD
Community Health Visiting Professor Fund
Warren J. Ferguson, MD is a leader in community health and served as both Executive Vice Chair and Vice Chair of Community Health in the department; he also served as the medical director for the MassAHEC Network. Dr. Ferguson retired in 2023 and the decision was made to rename the MassAHEC gift fund in his honor and create an annual visiting professorship in community health. This will be an annual one-day visit from a distinguished guest to give Ground Rounds and meet with students and residents to further the department’s mission of providing care to our community.
Steven L. Putterman Memorial
Medical Student Scholarship Fund
Steven Putterman, MD and his father died in a plane crash on September 1, 1999, while vacationing in Tanzania. Just a month before, Steve had accepted a position as the Associate Program Director for the Worcester Family Medicine Residency.
Steve was a bright, energetic and optimistic member of the faculty, a young leader who showed a tremendous potential for the future.
Steven's family established a needs-based tuition scholarship which is awarded annually to a deserving medical student who exhibits his passion for medicine and desire to serve all. This is a fitting memorial to the Puttermans, who shared a love of travel and commitment to multi-cultural destinations.
Annual Steven L. Putterman Lecture
Each year the Department organizes a Grand Rounds in honor of Steve and meetings with faculty, students and residents that reinforce the interplay between the disciplines of Family Medicine and Community Health.
How you can make your gift
Make your credit card donation by calling 508-856-5615 between 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.
Please specify that your gift is to our lab/dept/program.
Fast and easy using your credit card! After indicating the amount of your gift, select "Other" when prompted and type in the name of our lab/dept/program.
Give here
Make it payable to "UMass Chan Medical School Foundation - [our lab/dept/program]" and mail it to:
UMass Chan Medical School Office of Advancement
333 South Street
Shrewsbury, MA 01545