Priority Area #1: Department Organization and Culture
Goal: We will be a highly functioning academic and clinical Department
Objective 1: The Department’s leadership and management infrastructure will be mission-driven, aligning planning and implementation, clarifying expectations, and supporting a culture of innovation and professional growth
1.1 We will achieve our goals for education, clinical services, research and community health in an integrated fashion.
1.2 We will foster collaboration, communication, personal and professional development, reflection, and mentorship.
1.3 We will develop formal systems to capture and institutionalize reflection and ongoing learning about our disciplines and our practices.
1.4 Responsibility and accountability for our goals and objectives will be shared across our leadership, stressing proactive problem solving and transparent decision-making.
1.5 We will develop the Department’s next generation of leaders.
Objective 2: We will foster meaningful and productive academic/service relationships, including enhanced relationships with our parent institutions, with ForHealth Consulting, and with external partners
2.1 We will continue to make significant leadership contributions to UMass Chan Medical School, UMass Memorial Health Care, and ForHealth Consulting.
2.2 We will continue to make significant leadership contributions within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as through our national professional organizations.
2.3 We will continue to seek out opportunities to develop academic/service collaborations with external partners, with special emphasis on Community Health Centers and local and state health departments.
Objective 3: We will serve as advocates for our patients, our communities, and our disciplines as we ensure meaningful incorporation of primary care and the role of communities into the strategies of our parent institutions
3.1 We will emphasize the roles of community service, advocacy, and leadership in each of our programs.
3.2 We will emphasize strategies for caring for vulnerable populations in each of our programs.
3.3 We will play a leadership role in the UMass Center for the Advancement of Primary Care
Objective 4: We will expand and diversify our funding base
4.1 We will enhance our capacity to generate grants and other funding opportunities.
4.2 We will initiate a development effort.